And You Thought You Could Help Me?

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Hitting the hard wooden floor Izuku looked up to meet Shigarakis fist as it slid across his face leaving Izuku incapacitated and at their mercy.

"Put him back in his cell!" Shigaraki yelled as he scratched vigorously at his sacred neck.

Throwing Izuku back into his cell he slowly woke to the darkness that always followed him.

"They'll be here they have to be!" Izuku whispered to himself.

His cell door slowly opened as a tall figure stepped through. It was the man from the lab the one who had given Izuku his quirk.

"We'll you've caused quiet a bit of trouble haven't you 37." The man smiled down grabbing Izuku by his arm.

Heaving him to his feet he dragged the boy to the lab. Up the stairs till he was starring down at the yellow liquid.

Suddenly the man threw him in. Izuku hit the cold water rushing to the surface as the door was slammed down on him.

Only a little space remained for him to breath.

Releasing that he would suffocate he pounded on the door.

Trying not to breath to quickly. He heard as a voice came threw from the other side.

"Do you want out?"

"Yes ..... yes I want out!"

"Well the door locked and I don't have the key with me you will be alright while I go grab it won't you 37?"

"No please don't leave.... Huff don't ..... don't leave."

"I will be right back don't worry." The voice stopped as footsteps echoed indicating he was now alone.

Closing his eyes Izuku took a steady breath. Holding it in he sunk under the surface of the water.

The dim lights created an outline in the water. As he floated in the water he opened his eyes to see as Shigaraki,Dabi and some others stood there with disappointed faces.

Guess they really wanted to kill the symbol of piece.

Hitting the bottom he touched the bottom with his feet pushing off towards the surface for air.

As he did he felt as the machine turned on. Panic set in as the tubes shoved there way into his air holes filling his lungs with water.

Kicking and tugging the tubes and wires just burrowed deeper into his lungs.

Thrashing around his head started to pound as the need for air became stronger.

I kept pushing trying to get air in but all that came was murky water.

I tried to cough it out but it was no use. I'm drowning I'm dying. The hero's won't be here in time.

My eyes became heavy keeping them open was a struggle. As I made one last attempt my limbs lost all strength floating to the top.

I felt as I fell deeper and deeper into darkness.

That is until the tubes were ripped from my mouth and nose and an oxygen mask was what replaced it.

Jolting up I puked up all the water I could. Coughing I grabbed my chest. Looking up to see Dabi holding the mask.

He was trying to help but I couldn't help but to glare up at him.

Soon he backed away taking the tank with him.

The heavy footsteps of the man who had almost drown me came close. Placing a hand under my head he turned me to look him in the eye.

He smiled and said "have you learned your lesson? Will you obey Shigaraki now?"

A broken 'Yes' left my mouth I collapsed from exhaustion.

What he did next surprised me. He picked me up. Cradling my head as if I was an infant.

He shushed my whimpers as my eyelids became heavy.

Falling asleep I awoke to being strapped down on the table.

A strong hand stoked my head as if it was trying to provide comfort. Opening my eyes I make eye contact with the man who had cradled me in his arms.

He leaned down to my ear whispering the worst secret anyone could tell or know.

Tears rolled down my face as I skrunched my nose shaking my head ' no '.

He did nothing but chuckle and pet my head one last time before disappearing through the doors.

This secret would stay just that a secret. One that I would take to the gave. No one could ever know I would be too ashamed.

I would never become a hero with a secret like that. What would people say if they knew they wouldn't even look at me. I wouldn't be able to bare the looks
Or rumors.

I was brought out of my thoughts as a surgeon table was wheeled over to me. I looked at the knifes and needles  that awaited me.

This was gonna be painful.

He laughed as he cut me open.

It hurts

It hurts so much

I wish it would stop

I wish everything would stop

He pulled out my organs one by one placing them into a box I could do nothing.

I just laid there watching my organs grow back.

After about two hours he pulled out a black syringe putting it into my arm.

My vines turned black spreading till it reached my head. Something spilled out of my ears and nose.

Pain shook my body this was stronger. I screamed out as I started to vomit black.

He looked at me with a smile.

"That my boy this is the power of a Nomu."

I looked at him in horror. Scared of the new power over coming my body.

Slowly my bones began to break. One by one as if someone was breaking them to make the pain last longer.

I Screamed as the bones reshaped and rebuilt themselves.

"Now they will be thicker and harder to break."

Picking up another syringe he went to opposite side of he table shoving it into my black vein.

As purple liquid surged turning my black veins electric purple.

"Now for the speed of a full sized Nomu. Hopefully this doesn't kill you. That would make your father very angry. Then I would be the one in trouble."

Walking out the door he left me there. The only light in the room came from the tank behind me casting a faint yellow glow over the room.

I tried to just think about happy things like mornings with mom or hanging and playing tag with Bakugo.

I screamed in the dark as the power took over my body changing me forever.

Those hero were really taking their sweet time. I might not last much longer.

1088 words

A story for tomorrowजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें