09) Jeongguk

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After hours of typing away on his computer Jeongguk had finally finished his newest book

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After hours of typing away on his computer Jeongguk had finally finished his newest book. This book might've been his favorite book he's written so far.  He poured a lot of emotion into this book, many of his real feelings he's been processing lately were presented through this book, such as love, confusion, loneliness and sadness. With a light heart Jeongguk sent the book to Yoongi and closed his laptop, setting it off to the side and stretched his shirt riding up a bit revealing his tone muscles from working out. Standing up and grabbing his cup of hot chocolate that had been left unattended to when Jeongguk got to into his story.  He hadn't even managed to finish it.

Walking into the small kitchen he poured out the now cold hot chocolate and left it in the sink. If Jeongguk was honest he was too tired to care. Glancing at an old clock that was hung up on his wall it read 4:35 A.M. Well he did take Yoongies words into consideration and almost stayed up all night finishing the book. Deciding against showering, Jeongguk walked into a hallway all the way to the last door on the right and opened it, revealing his room. In the left side corner was his bed with a light gray comforter over it still messy from this morning. His night stand was right next to the bed with a glass of half of the water drank and a lamp with a red lamp shade A couple books also adorned the night stand.

Across from his bed on the left side of the room was his dresser with had a couple of pulled off clothes, a combination of both clean and dirty. A clean spot on the dresser held a picture frame of Jeongguk and three other people: His mother and father, and his brother. Jeongguk was wearing a graduation robe and hat, a large smile on his face- on everyones face. He was holding a graduates degree in writing. That was Jeongguks favorite picture and favorite memory.

Other than those few things, the room was empty, but pictures did hang on his walls along with some posters. Despite being an adult Jeongguk was still childish and liked some childish things, like banana milk. Opening the first drawer to his dresser he took out simple black sweatpants and new pair of boxers. Stripping his clothes off he got into his new clothes and flopped down onto his bed, pulling the covers over his body and up to his chin, snuggling into the welcoming warmth. Wondering what time he went to bed today he grabbed his phone and turned it on. For a second he was blinded by the bright light before his eyes adjusted, and he laughed.

The background had been changed by two people he had just met today, and a certain someone who owns the book store. It must've happened when he excused himself for the bathroom. Taehyung, Jimin and Hoseok all crowded around the camera making funny faces. The funniest thing to Jeongguk though was how in between Jimin and Taehyung you can see Yoongi in the background yawning. Chucking he put his phone back down onto the night stand and closed his eyes, forgetting to check the time and thinking about how much fun he had today, and how he was excited about seeing someone with a boxy smile and goofy personality tomorrow.

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