03) Customer

17 8 2

The next day was the same for Taehyung, except this day Hoseok didn't show up, but that wasnt a surprise as Taehyung knew he had dance practice, as he was heavily involved in it

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The next day was the same for Taehyung, except this day Hoseok didn't show up, but that wasnt a surprise as Taehyung knew he had dance practice, as he was heavily involved in it. But on these days it was the worst, when he felt like maybe it wasn't worth worth trying. It was obvious no one in this small town liked him and no one visited his shop. Even though he had his two friends who would visit from time to time whenever they could, he still felt lonely as ever. Sitting in the same chair he sits in everyday sipping on his coffee, Taehyung wore a heavy light blue sweater that almost perfectly matched his eyes, and he light grey sweatpants. He wasn't feeling like dressing up super nice today, so thats what he settled for.

Glancing at the clock he noticed it was nearly 3 with no one stopping by. He felt an overwhelming wave of emotions wash over him. He felt like this was a mistake. He should go back home, close the shop and just forget everything. This dream of his had come true for a short while, but maybe it wasn't going to work out after all. He sniffeled and decided he would be closing early today, as he realized there would be no point in staying open any longer. Getting up be put his book down and his coffee, and walked around the small shop. It was getting dusty because no one ever came. Walking to the back of the store he saw all the books that had a thick layer of dust, all the old classics that he used to love as a kid. Grabbing a cloth a started to clean the place up from some of the dust. The place was still cute and small, pleasing to the eye as Hoseok had said, but it must've not fit in with the town.

As he was cleaning, he heard the ding of the bell signaling the door was opening and someone was coming in. Taehyung was surprised, as no one other than Hoseok and Jimin came in, other than a few travelers every now and then. Poking his head around the corner he saw a Tall male, around his height, with jet black hair with a black coat that went down to his ankles, a light gray turtle neck and black skinny jeans. So basically, he was almost decked out in black, but it suited him. His cheeks were dusted a light pink along with the tip of his nose from the cold outside, and there were pieces of snowflakes in his hair as it had started to flurry outside. His facial features were sharp, his jawline, nose and lips seemed all too perfect to Taehyung, he kinda looked like a bunny to him.

"Oh, uh, hello," Taehyung greeted the customer and he looked his way. The customer stared at him for a solid 30 seconds than said, "Hello." Taehyung gulped when he heard the strangers voice, heavy with an satori accent. "Uhm, if you're looking for the Green Garden Café, thats two shops down." Taehyung said. Usually everytime a customer would come in they would've mistaken it for the café, as the books store and the café have similar outdoor decor. The man just quirked an eyebrow and shook his head. "No, I meant to come to this book store." Now it was Taehyungs turn to be surprised, and he quirked an eyebrow. "O-oh? Uhm... Ok alright... Have a look around then..." Taehyung stammered, not really sure what to do as he had an actual costumer in the first time in... ever. The man nodded and walked around going into the sea of bookshelves. Taehyung quickly sorted himself out, taking a deep breath and going back over to where the little counter was.

Looking at the person who seemed so intent on looking around the little books store, he wondered, why was he here? This handsome guy purposefully came into his little store, and is enjoying it? It seemed to good to be true. Taehyung sighed as he realized that this person was just stopping by, and would never come again. Taehyung frowned and just picked his book up, waiting for the other person to leave so he can keep dusting. Getting lost into the book once more he was startled when two books were plopped down in front of him. He looked up with wide eyes and quickly sat up. "Are these to buy or rent?" He asked as he scanned the books. "Rent." The man said, which made Taehyung ecstatic. That meant he would be visiting yet once again. "Alright, that will be 4.35$." Taehyung said with a smile. He was excited he was getting a customer for once, and one that would return. The man gave his change but before he left Taehyung stopped him and said. "By policy of the books, I need your name so I can write it down in them before you leave." The man seemed to hesitate to give his name but said, "Jeon... Yoongi. Yeah, Jeon Yoongi."

Taehyung smiled and opened the books, writing at the very top that said 'book rentals' and filled his name out, him being the first person who checked out the books. He could feel Yoongis gaze on him as he finished filling out the books and handed it back to Yoongi. "Here you go. The books are due next Wednesday." Taehyung flashed his boxy smile which made Yoongi crack a little smile back. "Thank you." He said, and departed from the store, leaving Taehyung in a happy mood. Maybe he wouldn't close early today, and maybe he wouldn't close his book store at all.

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