Chapter 5

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The villains were having a fun time enjoying their night, unknowing to them that backstage a familiar mouse and adventuresome kids were preparing to take them down once and for all. 

Mickey was shown to being wearing his red robe and sorcerer hat Kali had found hidden in his back costume closet while Goofy, Donald, Minnie, Daisy, and the Akids were getting him ready. 

David peaked out on stage, seeing that the villains were distracted then turned back to the gang telling them. "It's now or never, guys" 

Our heroes looked at each other in a bit of concern before all narrowing their eyes and nodded firmly. 

"Are we ready?" Kali asked the team. 

"We're ready, Kali!" Ann narrowed her eyes in determination. 

"Let's do it!" Brock said, eager to kick some villains' butt. 

"Alright..." Kali gave a determined smile before then turning to Mickey. "Do your thing, Mickey" 

The mouse nodded firmly to the adventure girl, looking very serious now as he straightened his sorcerer hat and stormed out on stage. 

"Get'em, Mickey!" Minnie told her boyfriend. 

The villains were laughing in their own amusement until they all looked towards the stage in surprise, even Jafar, seeing Mickey standing there. He was clearly shown to be challenging Jafar to a duel. 

Jafar raised his staff and fireballs appeared in Mickey's hands, ready to fight. It was a fierce battle as fireballs were thrown back and forth like there was a constant game of baseball going on. It was just like the time Mickey defeated all the villains in his night time spectacular show at the Disney parks, Fantasmic. 

"Come on, Mickey! You got this! Go, Mickey!" The Akids cheered and encouraged him, watching from backstage with the others. 

Jafar and Mickey were starting to get tired as they were both sweating up a storm. Mickey threw another fireball at Jafar but the evil Arabian sorcerer deflected it with his staff, which knocked Mickey's sorcerer hat right off him in the process making him lose his magic powers. 

The kids and the rest of the gang saw Mickey's hat fly off and land back over to them. 

"Mickey's hat!" Goofy exclaimed. 

The Akids gasped. "Oh no, he'll be sitting ducks without it!" Ann said. 

Minnie looked worried. "Oh, what do we do now?!" 

Kali was prepared to go out on stage and help Mickey fight the villains with her magic crystal. But just then, the gang heard a knock on the back door. Daisy opened it as the gang looked to see Aladdin there on his magic carpet with something in his hands. 

"Here, use the lamp!" He said, tossing the magic lamp to them. 

"Thanks, Aladdin!" The Akids smiled. 

The gang passed the lamp to each other until Minnie had it and called out to Mickey before tossing the magic lamp to him. "Mickey, catch!"

"Use the lamp, Mickey!" Kali called out. 

"It'll trap Jafar forever!" David also called. 

Mickey caught the lamp and pointed it towards Jafar who now looked horrified. Mickey quickly rubbed the lamp as Jafar was staring to be pulled into it. 

"NOOOOOOO!" The evil sorcerer cried before being sucked into the lamp, trapping him forever. 

The rest of the villains gasped before fleeing like the cowards they truly were while the Akids and the rest of the gang cheered. Tinkerbell changed the logo back as the House of Mouse was once again restored. 

"Wahoo! We did it!" Brock cheered in victory, standing with the rest of the Akids. 

The Akids and Mickey's gang came up on stage while all the Disney characters praised their heroes. 

Minnie gave Mickey a kiss. "You're the only leader of this club, Mickey" The female mouse told her boyfriend, looking lovingly at him. 

"Yeah" The Akids all agreed, smiling at the mouse. 

Mickey laughed. "Aw, it was nothing. Anything to make sure we have a happy Halloween" 

Mickey then gestured towards the Akids, announcing to the crowd. "And let's give a very special thank you to our friends, the adventure kids, for always sticking up for us and saving the House of Mouse"

All the Disney characters roared in applauses, the loudest the Akids have ever heard making them blush. 

"Aw, thanks everyone" Teeders smiled. 

"You're all too much" Ann felt touched. 

"Thank you" Brock waved. 

"Don't mention it" Cynthia gave a small smirk. 

"Happy to help" David bowed. 

"We'll always be here for the House of Mouse" Kali promised. 

Suddenly, Donald popped out from behind the gang being dressed as Jafar. "BOO!" 

"Aw, nice costume Donald" Mickey told his duck friend. "But Goofy already beat you to it" 

Everyone then looked over seeing Goofy already wearing a Jafar costume while he laughed. The Akids then came out dressed as Disney villains too. Cynthia was Cruella, Teeders was Ursula, Kali was Maleficent, Ann was the Queen of Hearts, Brock as Captain Hook, and David was Hades. 

"Aw, phooey!" Donald pouted in defeat. 

Everyone then laughed together as the wind hollowed outside into the spooky Halloween night...


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