Chapter 2

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Everyone applauded after the cartoon was over. 

"That was great!" David smiled with the rest of the Akids, having enjoyed that. 

"It was real funny" Ann added. 

"You guys sure must've had a lot of fun that night" Teeders turned to Huey, Dewey, and Louie, referring to that one year Halloween of theirs from the cartoon. 

"Before we lived with Uncle Scrooge, Halloween was our biggest adventure every year" Huey said fondly in memory. 

"I've always enjoyed the costumes" Dewey mentioned. "One year I was a zombie version of Elvis. I know, most awesomest costume ever!" 

"I now plan to add on to Louie's Inc by opening up a candy store" Louie shrugged his shoulders, being his usual Louie self. 

The Akids smiled to the duck boys. 

Donald was out in the lobby when he saw the Beast coming and tried to scare him but obviously failed as he ended up getting scared himself. 

"Halloween treats can be really spooky. Like mechanical houses that act kind of kooky" Mickey told his audience. "So, sit back, relax, and let's take a lookie"

"This should be interesting" Brock said to the others. 

Some clips were then shown on the big TV screen, revealing to be of the Akids solving a mystery of a high-tech house that was apparently haunted with the Scooby Doo gang. They had to avoid all kinds of creepy stuff, including a killer robot butler. 

After that, Jack Skellington and his crew came up on stage to preform their well known song "This is Halloween" which everybody loved. 

The Akids were soon up on stage, sharing some of their favorite parts about Halloween. David was talking about the real scary horror movies to watch on Halloween such as Friday the 13th, The Shinning, Scream, etc. 

"Take my word of advice" The adventure boy smirked at the audience. 

"And if you want to go extreme then watch Bloody Butcher X7" Brock mentioned. 

"Oh, yeah! That movie was so scary" Ann explained, remembering when the Akids first watched that horror flick. "Cynthia totally flipped out. You should've seen the mess we had to clean up in the bathroom" 

Cynthia laughed nervously, feeling totally embarrassed before whispering through her clenched teeth to her friends. "Shut up!..." 

"Honestly though, if you plan on trying anything crazy for Halloween enough for the cops to get called... that's a win" Kali told the crowd. 

Donald was shown in the audience, trying to sneak up and scare the Fates but they warned the duck that they had their one eye on him. 

"Aw, phooey!" Donald walked away in defeat. "I'll never be scary"

The Akids hid giggles while Ann said. "Poor Donald"

"Maybe we can find a way to help him" Teeders suggested to the group which they thought about as the party went on. 

"Donald might be trying to scare everyone, but here's a story where he gets spooked himself..." Mickey smirked before showing his guests the next cartoon. 

This cartoon featured Goofy as a ghost, trying to scare Donald in an old creepy house but ended up getting Donald turned into a ghost just long enough to demonstrate how to end the cartoon. Begin at the end by chasing each other into the distance then scream comically....

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