Chapter 1

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It appeared to be a peaceful and quiet night in one particular neighborhood as the streets were empty and all the lights were out. But inside one house, Brock Harpercop of the adventure kids was running for his life as he was being chased by an unknown attacker. 

The poor boy was breathing heavily, trying to get away from his cold blooded killer but soon found himself cornered in the basement. Brock crouched down and closed his eyes, preparing for the end when he felt a light tap on his shoulder. 


Brock opened his eyes as it was revealed to be his twin sister Ann, and they had been playing a game of tag. 

"You're it!" Ann laughed before running away while Brock looked annoyed. 

And now back to our Regularly Scheduled Program...

It was your typical autumn morning, which happened to be the day of everyone's favorite candy obsessing holiday... Halloween!

The Akids were gathered together at their clubhouse, trying to pick out which costumes they were going to wear tonight. 

"Okay guys, be totally honest now..." David's voice said. 

David came out wearing an axe in his chest with blood all over his shirt and a hockey mask. Kali, Teeders, and Ann glanced at each other before looking back at their friend with uncertain faces. 

"Meh... it's a bit over the top" Kali said. 

"Yeah, way too far" Teeders nodded in agreement. 

"What do you mean that's too far?" David asked, feeling offended that his friends hated his costume while taking off his mask.  

"Aren't you worried once the kids see you they'll cry?" Ann pointed out. 

"Of course the kids are going to cry. That's the whole point" David replied like it was obvious. That was in fact the whole point in Halloween anyway. 

Brock came out next dressed as the President of the United States. 

"No! Uh-huh! Okay! You are not wearing a political costume!" Ann protested against her twin brother's costume choice. 

"Aww dang it!" The adventure boy made a pouty face before the gang heard a familiar fashionista's voice call out.

"Guys, I need your help. I'm having a fashion emergency!" Cynthia said, poking her head out from behind the closet door. 

"What's up?" Teeders asked. 

"Okay. Look how she looks in this costume" Cynthia showed her friends a costume advertisement poster of a girl dressed as a nurse. "Now look how I look..."

Cynthia then came out wearing a nurse costume, looking pretty embarrassed while Kali, Teeders, and Ann all tilted their heads in confusion, clearly seeing no difference. David obviously found Cynthia hot no matter what she wore... or if she was dressed at all. 

"Well there's your problem, you're missing the blood!" Brock pointed out. "Then you'll really look like a slutty nurse" 

"Stop! The skirt is way too long!" Cynthia whined before slamming the door shut. 

Brock sighed with an eye roll at the gang's overdramatic fashionista friend. "You know, it's going to be November in like 10 hours"

Just then the gang heard the mail slot open, turning to see a letter on the floor in front of the door. Kali picked up the letter and opened it. 

"What is it?" The twins asked their sister as the Akids gathered around in curiosity. 

Kali read over the letter. "It's from Mickey Mouse! He says we're invited to his Halloween party at the House of Mouse tonight"

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