Chapter 12

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That is how I feel.

In the beginning of this whole kidnapping situation I missed them all. I missed the laughs, the way they would always be by my side.

I missed the nose kisses from Carlo, the movie nights with Isabella, the mom days with Rose, the racing with Giovanni, the cooking with Alessia, showing my new clothes to Nicola, and maybe I miss the tiny gremlin and his hugs.

But now?

I don't think I do.

It's been who knows how many months, and yet they haven't come for me. Is it really that hard to find someone?

Maybe they gave up.

Opening my eyes slowly my vision is a little cloudy until I blink a couple times. I move my fingers and someone comes rushing to my side.

I freeze up immediately and tense up feeling tears well up in my eyes.

"It's Axel." The person reassures.

I turn my head slightly to see him. "Hey red." I croak out. His eyes are bloodshot and his cheeks are damp. "Have you been crying?" I question, sitting up.

I wince at the pain in the lower half of my body until I get over it quickly and stand up from the table I was lying on. Axel cries more and comes to my side, holding his arms out so I don't fall.

Looking at my surroundings I notice that we are in the kitchen.

"Please sit down and rest." He sobs.

I look at him and give him a small smile, "I'm okay, Axel. Everything's okay."

His whole face scrunches up. "Adelaide, he fucking-" He pauses as more tears fall down his face. "He- he. I think I'm going to be sick."

He runs over to the sink and starts throwing up, I limp to his side and rub my hand up and down his back. "Sh Sh Sh." I whisper.

Once he's finished he wipes his mouth with a cloth and looks at me with tears in his eyes. His eyes wander down my body and he quickly looks away once he looks to a certain part.

I look down at myself and see that I'm wearing sweatpants and a baggy shirt.

"They're mine. I found you on the floor." He cries. "Rye was just standing at the top of the stairs waiting. I tried to get to you." He looks at me and nods his head as if to reassure me. "I really tried, I promise."

More tears fall from his eyes and I hug him quickly. "They all stopped me." His whole body shakes as he sobs loudly. "When I was let down I ran straight to you. I did. I mean it. I really tried Adelaide, I'm so sorry."

I just stand there holding him lightly as he hugs me tightly. "I cleaned your stomach up." He nods his head on my shoulder. "And whatever."

I furrow my eyebrows. "Why did you do my stomach?"

"That's where he came." He cries softly.

Thank fuck he didn't do it inside me.

The door to the kitchen slams open and a stranger walks in holding clothes. I step away from Axel immediately and stand away from him so he won't get in trouble.

"Boss says to get ready. You have two fights tonight." The clothes get thrown onto the table and the guy walks out.

"Come on. Let's get ready." I clasp my hands together and smile sadly at Axel who is still crying.


Tonight is more busy than usual and I've noticed a few guys that look a little familiar but I don't really remember.

That's been happening a lot lately, I've been forgetting a few things. Axel sometimes has to remind me about what I was saying just so I can finish the sentence. But by then I've forgotten.

Axel puts a wipe on my lip from where it's started to bleed from my first fight of the night.

I sit down on one of the stools next to a wall and Axel comes and sits next to me. Looking around the room at the people cheering on the fight that's going on now, I feel Axel's body shake a little.

A few people look towards us and I turn to face Axel. Tears stream down his face as he looks at me, I take a deep breath.


For the time I have been watching over Adelaide I have noticed the slight fogginess of her grey eyes get more cloudy.

I never wanted to work for Rye, but you don't really get a choice when he's the person that helped you get off the streets. I used to rob a lot of places just to get a meal every night.

Rye found me when I was eighteen, I'm now twenty one, so I get away with a few things others don't.

Adelaide is slowly giving up. And it's becoming more noticeable now. But when I saw her on that cold floor I lost it, I had a lot of guns pointed at me when I tried to get to her.

Adelaide lifts up the hood of my hoodie and pulls it down my face.

"It was horrible watching you like that." I whisper.

I need Adelaide to fight a little longer, I've been hiding notes down alleyways near properties that Carlo owns. My wife has been doing them because I know she won't get caught and Adelaide is the only one who knows about her in this Mafia.

"Don't let them see it get to you, not even the strangers in this room... that's horrible too."

I turn to look at her as she speaks, but she doesn't look back. She doesn't say anything else either.

Just simply looks around making sure no one sees the tears streaming down my face.

Carlo : Ti salveró amore mio Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang