Lost at the fair

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This was meant to be released like hours ago but it was MCC so....

Eliza POV-

Today was a beautiful summer day, with a cool breeze hitting us just perfectly. To make due of this beautiful day Clio brought us outside to... somewhere. Looking around it was difficult to describe as so many things were happening at once, probably because there where so many people surrounding us, it was honestly quite over Whelming. I would ask Clio what this place was but she seemed occupied...

What do I mean by that, well she was kinda just looking around while standing in front of us, knees weak, holding her own hand and placing them in front of her chest.

I was examining Clio composure until I got caught off guard by a particular thing I heard Kg3 say, "hey look! those people are trying too drown themselves."

I turned around eyes wide to see what he was talking a bout, as I saw behind him a group of 5 with one man with his head in a barrel full of apples. As the others stood and watched, it surprised me they would do such activities in such a public place, do they have no respect for there lives? Just as that thought crossed my mind the man lifted his head with one of the many red apples in the Barrel, in his mouth?

"Are they going to cook him now?" Philip thought disturbed by the idea of cooking a human,

"Does anybody know what's wrong with Clio?" The young Theo asked looking confused by her friends actions, as she continues look as if someone had just placed a freshly baked steak in front of her as Madison tries to call her out of her own charred "Clio...Clio...Clio?" He said waving a hand in front of her face, but nothing worked, "let me try.." Jefferson said with a hint of arrogent confidence surrounding his voice. "Clio...Clio..Clio!!" Thomas finally screamed at the end getting a bit I'm patient.

As he screamed Clio snapped out of her own trance and looked over trying to calm herself from the sudden shock and outburst caused by Thomas, "What exactly is this place do high council people come here to to talk? Is this like the winters ball or something?".

"Why are those people trying to drown themselves?" Philip asked pointing back at the group where this time it was another person who repeated the action. "Oh those people are just bobbing for apples, it's a game people play at places like this" why not pick it up? I thought a bit perplexed by the concept but I chose not to question it as I do with other things.

"Now I want all of you guys too let go of any bad thoughts you might have about the new age, I know some of you guys don't approve of everything we do but this place is about having fun got it!"

Me and a couple others nodded as others gave a thumbs up.

"Yay! Great, okay now here are your tickets you can use them too play games here at the festival. Oh! And before you ask the ticket master here is actually one of my past teachers so... they give me tickets for free just...don't tell anyone. Let's go play some games we can do rides later"

*time skip*

We walked around for while as I observed what everyone else around us was doing, they where going to certain stands trying to complete a certain objectif. If they completed it then they would get something like a chocolate bar or some kind of doll.

We eventually stopped at one of these stands, fascinated by the strange contraption on it. "What is this?" Hercules said pointing to the many bottles on top of the table, "these are called carnival games there crazy hard to play, each of these tables have a game you can play, the very on which game but... if you win the game you get a stuffed animal!" She said pointing to the many stuffed animals on the shelves or attached to the selling "what does a stuffed animal do?" Alex asked trying to find the strange objects worth to people.

"Uhh it's just for decorating but it's a nice gift to give to someone you care about" Clio explained as she looked at the many stuffed animals of different shapes and sizes. Clio gave some of her tickets to the man as he gave back rings, she then proceeded to try and throw them on the bottles, she sadly didn't get any of them on the bottles but then gestured to Alex for him to take a try as Alex repeated the actions Clio did.

As Alex continued throwing rings I heard the voice of an elderly man call out, "Historia historia!" Clio turned around from hearing her fake name as a elderly man came closer, "oh! Mr Richard good to see you here!" Clio said with a smile as it seemed as if she knew the man well "Oh... historia do you think you could help me find my daughter and her friends? I've been looking for them around here and I can't seem to find them"

My focus on Clio and the old gentlemen's conversation as I heard an angry scream come from my husband, "UGH!!! This game is impossible!" Alex cried in frustration. "It's not impossible, I just bet your really bad! Like at all other things!" Jefferson said with a smirk forming on his face. He gave his tickets to the man and just like Alexander, missed all his shots and became very frustrated.

"May I have a try" Angelica said raising her hand now that she's observed how to play the game. "You? What makes you think you can do this?" Thomas said looking over a Angelica with a bit of frustration still stuck in his throat from his previous failure, Angelica ignored Thomas is arrogant remark and gave her tickets as the man gave her some rings.

Looking threw the ring to try and see where it would land and on which bottle she threw the ring as it gracefully landed on top of the bottle. "And we have a winner!" The man yelled as he handed Angelica and stuffed animal bear that wasn't to fluffy but very squishy and very big.

Alex and Thomas stood there flabbergasted by the sight that just played before them, I gave my sister a smile of happiness before I turn to look at Clio. But when I did a feeling of overwhelming discomfort and danger came before as I softly say to the group...

"Where's Clio?..."

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