Clio not historia

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Eliza POV-

It's been about 2 days now that historia left, witch means she's going to be coming back any day now but other than that I must say the modern life is quite lovely especially for women compared from how we were treated back 1800's. But I will say some habits have still stuck with me even if I didn't need to do them no more.

These habits include of wearing dresses, making food you know the things I was expected to know how to do to live in the society built for women back then.

I'm not the only one who does this.

Maria and theodosia seem to be struggling with the same issue as me that it's actually became kinda like a inside joke for me and them. Theo, Angelica, Angie and Peggy didn't struggle as much as us but I'm not saying they didn't struggle completely, yet even with these thing we still manage with the help of historia

This was why what was being suggested in front of me sounded utterly ridiculous.

"Come on! It will be fun she'll never know!"

Thomas Jefferson had the "bright idea" to sneak into historia's room while she's gone, I along with the other girls,Madison,Mr Burr and Washington said that this was a horrible idea. Witch it was.

"Fine we won't do it... party poopers"

I wasn't familiar with the term "party poppers" but I quickly learn to just watch them walk out of the room and continue to go about my day, besides there fully grown men and were apart of congress they wouldn't do such a ridiculous thing....


Thomas Jefferson POV-

"Fine we won't do it... party poopers"

Me and the others who where on board with the idea leave the room and stop in front of the staircase.

"So...we're still doing it right"

We all looked at each other knowing what we where thinking

Let's do it

With that we all ran up the staircase to Historia's room, besides what the worst that can happen?

Once we arrive we all stare at the oak door that is the entrance to historia's room, she never lets us in there even if she's been in are's making me and others of us curious to what's inside her room. Once we where all there John slowly started to open the door to historia's bedroom, I was honestly surprised it was unlocked.

We entered historia's room prepared for the worst and bracing are selves for whatever may be on the other side of this door, and!.......


There was nothing it was just a normal room with a couple details of stuff historia likes "awww come on! It's just a normal old bedroom" Alexander yells out a groan of frustration. "Maybe we'll be able to find something if we just look around more, I mean... I never left my spy stuff out and about in my room" Hercules says heading into historia's bedroom "yeah let's keep looking"

Time skip

We searched her room for anything that could just give us a reason historia keeps us out of here but after 5 minutes we gave up, well Alex gave up "Ugh let's face it, she just didn't want us to come in here because... she just doesn't want us here we've just been wasting are time" Alexander then punches the desk next to him out of anger only for it to knock down a flower pot.

"Oops let me just-huh what's this?" We turn to the once angered man to the man now holding a small cloth bag tied with a rope, FINALLY we found SOMETHING! Alexander pulls the rope of the bag and opens it to reveal one small Roch looking amulet with a P on it

"Oops let me just-huh what's this?" We turn to the once angered man to the man now holding a small cloth bag tied with a rope, FINALLY we found SOMETHING! Alexander pulls the rope of the bag and opens it to reveal one small Roch looking amulet wit...

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"Historia likes...Rocks?" Lauren's asked a bit disappointed. I honestly couldn't blame him. "Umm Alexander mon ami, the flower pot" The flower pot had broken on impact when it hit the floor "Oh no, historia's going to know we where here!" This comment made us panic and try to fix it are selves, but we couldn't do it with how many pieces the flower pot broke into.

"Aww man I wish it could just fix itself" Hercules stated holding the now GLOWING ROCK!?!?

The rock Hercules was holding was now glowing brighter then anything I've ever seen. The glow then made its way to the broken flower pot fixing it magically, the only problem is that the statue isn't very good at keeping quite...

"GUYS?!? WHAT IN THR WORLD WAS THAT" Angelica screamed running to the door way with the others who didn't want to join us, "and what are you doing in historia's room?!" We were caught And couldn't thing of a lie that just fit what happened so we had to tell the truth, witch in this case would be we snuck into historia's room and found a magical amulet thing that could grant wishes. Putting it that way it doesn't sound that bad.

"We told you not do this, what will happen if historia found out?!" Madison asks obviously angry. "Clio". All eyes where on Alex "what" Peggy asked Alex " Clio that's her name not historia"Alexander said in response , "uhhh what do you mean" Alex then pointed to a note that fell out the bag and onto the floor.

Dear Clio

I wish you a marvellous birthday, it's not every day you turn 116.
Like a sweet 16 it would only feel right for you to receive a special gift so I give you, Wynn Rune charm for granting wishes also known as the Tailsman Amulet pendant.
Please treat it with respect and responsibly and I warn you to not use the amulet for selfish reason.
And before you come at me for using your real name well, I forgot and I don't want to re write this letter

Happy birthday!


Your best friends!

"Oh my god..." was all we said in reaction to the letter we had just received "I know I wrote 51 essays and there to lazy to just re write there's" Alexander said insulted

"No! You boob, where talking about the fact one historia literally one, has a wish making amulet and two, historia isn't even her real name!" We all look at the amulet that we had been holding

This is going to be fun

So I was going to make this into a 2 part special but this story is already 1144 Words so yeah you're going to need to wait, I also put some Greek god references like historia's name change and the amulet. Personally I'm not into Greek gods and such but don't know much about them so if you have anything you would like to tell me that would be great! In the mean time bye-bye 👋

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