The one that forgets

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Philips POV

Historia had left yesterday to address whatever was was going on in the other universe.

At that moment my mind started to wonder, I guess I never took in account that I was now roommates with a goddess. The more I thought about it the more I started to ask myself questions like, why exactly us, how did she get this massive house, what was her education like but the question my mind really pondered on was... why did she look like an average 12-13 year old and not a full grown adult, she wasn't even a teenager.

"Philip" I get pulled out of my mind by my little sisters voice, I turned around to find her light pink PJs holding a green bird plush "hey Angie what up" I asked as she rubs her face most likely from how tired she is "I was wondering where historia went" Angie asked with a smile

I was a tad confused.... "what do you mean she left yesterday with the Francis guy remember" I responded as Angie gave me a small shake of her head " what do you mean she left? I don't remember any of that" why didn't she remember? It just happened yesterday maybe she's just sleepy ? I left it at that when Angie went to grab a snack from the kitchen and left, probably to go see are mom or whatever.

Once she leaves the kitchen, I enter. I go to grab a snack in the kitchen where John is feeding his pet turtle "please tell me that was weird" John looks over at me curious "what happened" he asked holding his turtle "Angie just forgot about historia leaving yesterday and didn't have any memory of it at all" John nods and puts his turtle back in his cage " a couple days ago she did something similar" I look over and gesture him to elaborate

"Well you see"

*flash back*

Johns POV-

I was playing with my new pet turtle that I got from Angelica on Christmas, I was on the floor watching him eat a piece of mango when Angie stepped in

She looks over at me and then looks over at my new pet

"Historia allowed you to get a pet turtle? Awesome! Do you think she'll let me get a bird" she asked jumping up and down a little I got kinda confused so I answer her correcting the error she made " what do you mean? Angelica got this for me during the secret Santa" correcting her did nothing but add more confusion into the conversation " I don't remember my auntie Angelica getting you a turtle?"

Ok... she really doesn't remember anything, we continue this small debate when Alexander came into the mix "what's going on here" he said kinda worried seeing his 'best friend' and daughter fighting "well apparently Angie here doesn't remember me getting a turtle for Christmas, you know the one Angelica gave to me.

Alex didn't even need to hear Angie side of the story and concluded "Angie... your doing it again" he frowns and looks to his daughter that seems to know what he's talking about because all she said in response was "oh...sorry" she then looks down and goes t9 her room, I was about to ask Alex what had happened but he already left

*flash back over*

Philips POV-

"That's strange she seemed to love you're turtle before... uhh by the way what's you're turtles name again" I look over at John and his turtle "I don't know what to call him, haven't thought of a good name yet" I nod as my father comes into the room "hey dad have you realized anything going on with Angie, she's been forgetting more and more things lately"

Those words made my father freeze in place

"What d-d-do you mean" he said cracking a fake smile "dad... what's going on with Angie" my dad then give up and let's out a breath i didn't Even know he was holding "son, I need to tell you something" my dad then gestures Lauren's to get out of the kitchen witch he accepts

"When you died" what.... did... did I do this to Angie "Angie had.... she had a mental break down, she didn't believe you were dead and insisted that you were there with her. I would buy her some birds to get her mind off it but it didn't work, so just...please don't feel guilty for this you wouldn't have known" by this time my father knew I was unresponsive and left me


I couldn't believe it, I know dad said to not feel guilty but how couldn't I. I was just standing there crying, not making a single sound... until I felt two arms around my waist and in the sweetest voice ever I heard....

"It's not your fault, brother."

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