8. Boyfriend?

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-/:\- Denki's P.O.V -/:\-

A full week had passed since 'the great secret' had spread like wildfire, no thanks to Mineta.

Both of us still received side glances from other students when we traveled down hallways, but other than that, it was okay. We held hands in the halls, we waited on one another to walk to classes together, we paid for each other's lunches, we told jokes and secrets, and we both ate at the Bakusquad table.

However, now at lunch, Shinso has made it a point where he insists on paying for my lunch. I don't mind that he's doing something sweet for me, but come on! I'm a grown-ass man! I can pay for my own mac n' cheese and grapes!

I enter the lunchroom, and I glance left, then right. No sign of him. I pull out a handful of cash, and I quickly speed walk over to the lunch line. I quickly set up my lunch tray and head over to the cash register.

"Hold it!" I heard someone say, and I freeze right before I hand the cashier the money. I turn, and I see Shinso walking towards me, his tray holding a bowl of salad and a glass of green tea.

He has a playful scowl on his face as he hands the cashier a small stack of neatly folded cash. "I'm paying for his meal," he says to the cashier, then glances at me and gives me a smirk.

"OH NO, WE ARE NOT DOING THIS AGAIN!" I shout, before slamming my money on the counter. "Keep the change!" I shout over my shoulder as I stomp off to the Bakusquad table. I hear Shinso laughing behind me, and my face grows red.

I'm a grown-ass man!

-/:\- Shinso's P.O.V -/:\-

I pay for my food and hurry over to my new regular table, where I sit next to Denki, who is chomping down his mac n' cheese with a cross look on his face.

Mina and Sero are yelling at each other, even though they are sitting right next to one another. "Nooooooo Arcade by Duncan Laurence is the saddest breakup song!" Mina almost yelled with an annoyed look on her face. "THAT'S ABSURD," Sero said, rising to a new, louder pitch, "I WILL FOLLOW YOU INTO THE DARK BY DEATH CAB FOR CUTIE IS THE SADDEST BREAKUP SONG! The lyrics are LITERALLY about the guy dying with his significant other if they did. BOOM!SAD!" They continued back and forth, getting louder with each sentence.

Opposite of them, Bakugo had fallen asleep on Kirishima's shoulder, and Kirishima was quietly eating his food with his face bright red from having his tough boo snoring softly on him.

Denki was still angrily eating.

I nudge him, "Aww are you that mad I wanted to pay for your lunchy lunch?" Denki glares at me, "I can pay for my own meal, I don't need my boyfriend doing it." He suddenly went quiet, his face turning bright red. The rest of the lunchroom went silent too.

Then automatically everyone went, "Oooooooooooo!!!!" at the same time, causing Denki to break the world records for 'World's Reddest Face'. "No, no, no, we're not there yet! We just kind of confessed to one another! It's nothing official just yet."


You know what?

I sigh and slide out of the booth. Denki looks at me a little concerned, thinking that he must have hurt me. I then turn around and get down on one knee.

Everyone around erupts into loud chatter, and I spot Bakugo, who has just woken up, giving me this glare of steel. I don't think Denki's face could get any redder.

"Denki?" I ask, taking one of his hands, and holding it in mine. He had a bit of cheese sauce on his face, and he had an expression of a panicked rock.

"Will you be my boyfriend?"

It gets real quiet, and everyone waits on Denki's answer. His eyes were as wide as dinner plates. He's so cute when he's embarrassed. "Yes," Denki whispers first, then, "YES!"

Cheers explode around the cafeteria, and I sweep Denki in my arms and twirl him around. "Ah! Put me down!" He squirms, before sliding back into the booth, "I'm not just something you can pick up!" Then he grabs my hand and pulls me close to him. He smiles and rests his head on my shoulder. I already love this.

"Hey lovebirds!" Midoriya calls, as he heads toward our table, his smile a little too bright for my taste. Then he does something odd... He knocks on the table twice, and Denki, Kirishima, and Bakugo turn to look at him. Some sort of code I don't know about? Midoriya then tapped the side of his nose, and everyone else nodded. "Oh, and you're coming too." Midoriya points at me. Coming? Coming to what? Should I be worried?

When Midoriya turned to leave, Denki inched up to whisper in my ear, and at first, all I could think was, this is the closest I've ever been to him. I feel my cheeks heat up.

"You're coming with us after school. We're going to the meeting place," he whispers. "To... where?" I ask.

"Why, The Gay Group, of course!"

-/:\- Shigaraki's P.O.V -/:\-
-last night-

The lights flicker above, like little fireflies having seizures. In the dark, there was dead silence. It was so quiet, you could hear the water slowly drip from across the old storage building.

Toga sat perched on the metal support beams up above. How she got there, I couldn't tell you. Spinner and Twice sit on some gasoline barrels nearby, Spinner trying to stay awake while Twice twitched his head to the beat of a song in his head. Compress fiddles around with his blue marbles, and Kurogiri stands behind me, like the loyal minion he is.

We all surround a black portal that opened up on the floor, waiting on someone important to emerge.

The silence was torture, and so no one spoke, for the fear of breaking the spell. But of course, Twice being Twice, he was the first to speak. "I miss Dabi." I turn and glare at him. How dare he mention that traitor? "He doesn't miss us! He's off with his new boyfriend," I spat, sending an extra hiss to the word 'boyfriend'.

"Oh well, at least he's happy now. Must be nice. Too bad I didn't cut him when I had the chance." Toga says from above, balancing a blade on her index finger.

"Happy..." Spinner whispers, but everyone else hears. It falls silent again. What we would give to be happy again.

"Wait," Twice breaks the silence again, "If we're waiting on someone, and it's not Dabi, who are we waiting on? I don't remember. YES, YOU DO!" he adds sharply.

"Master. We're waiting on Master. He should be here any minute," I answer, and I feel the heavy tension that builds up in everyone. "What does he want us to do now?" Compress asks, and there's a heaviness to it, as he was tired of running after Master's plans, only to end up failing, and repeat. Well, he's not the only one who feels that way.

"He wants us to capture someone so he can steal their quirk." Kurogiri answers for me. "Oh! Well, that's not too bad. Can we make 'em bleed?" Toga asks, before she swings down to our level.

"They're from UA. So capture won't exactly be easy," I say, softly sighing. "Ugh, so what's this kid's quirk? It has to be something good if the boss wants us to do it," Toga points out.

"His quirk? I believe it was," Kurogiri pauses, tapping his chin, trying to remember, "Oh, I think the quirk was-"

"Brainwashing," I say, cutting him off, "The quirk is Brainwashing."

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