chapter twenty

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chapter twenty - dinner
content warning : smut mentions


"are you ready to go?" billie called out from the bathroom.

"one second!" you were still trying to get dressed.

you couldn't decide what to wear. you were stuck between a satin black slip dress and a tight red dress.

"what the hell is taking you so long?" she came into your shared room while adjusting her earring backs.

"well someone left me to clean up the office alone so you got an extra like ten minutes to get ready."

"oh stop whining, you're the one who knocked everything on the floor." she laughed.

you sighed and decided on the slip dress.

"how do i look?" billie stood in front of you and turned, giving you a view of her dress, and her ass.

"gorgeous, per usual."

"oh i love you." she sighed.

"i love you too."

"you look absolutely perfect." she kissed your cheek.

"do i have lipstick on my cheek now?" you laughed.


you lifted your hand and wiped it off as billie laughed at you.

"we need to get going," she looked at her watch. "it's already six and our reservation is for six fifteen."

"okay, let's go."

the two of you walked the short distance from your apartment building to the restaurant down the street. when you arrived the hostess sat you down and left you to look at the menu.

"are we drinking?" billie asked you.

"i think so. a margarita sounds amazing right about now."

"i think i'm going to go for a glass of rosè."

you both ordered your drinks and main courses, billie getting a chicken caesar salad and you getting a margherita one. when the waitress brought out your meals, you noticed something familiar.

"oh my god." you laughed.

"what?" billie looked at you in confusion.

"this is the exact thing you ordered the night we met."

"no way. is it really?"

you nodded.

"how do you even remember that?"

"i was your server billie. and we had some pretty unforgettable sex in the bathroom that night."

"well i remembered that part. just not my dinner order."

'bring it up y/n. nows your chance. tell her you guys need to take another step, or at least share your feelings. just say something!' you thought to yourself.

before you could even say anything, billie opened her mouth to speak.

"wanna go away this weekend?" she asked while lifting her glass to her plump lips.


"i have a house in massachusetts. the drive's probably like six hours but it's so worth it. i would say we could fly but from the airport its still a four hour drive. that is, if you want to go."

"of course i want to go." you placed your hand on hers.

she smiled at you.

you could bring up everything you'd been wanting to while you were there, perfect.

"then we can leave tomorrow when i get home from work? it's a long weekend so we can come home monday."

"sounds amazing."

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