chapter eleven

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chapter eleven - feelings.



you weren't sure if she was asleep. you secretly hoped she was, so you could avoid this conversation.



"what are we doing?"

"laying in bed." she laughed.

that damn laugh.

"you know what i mean."

she sighed.

"honestly, i don't know."

"i really like you, billie."

"i really like you too."

"but you're married, and i don't want to get hurt."

"i may not know what we're doing, but i can promise you one thing, i would never hurt you."

you snuggled closer into her chest.

"i wanna be with you, y/n, but it would be hard. like you said, i'm married."

"i wanna be with you too billie."

you wanted to be hers. you felt amazing when you were with her.

"why don't we just try it? we can just see each other. no strings attached."

"maybe a few strings?" she giggled.

again with that damn laugh.

"a few sounds great."

she kissed your forehead and stood up, throwing on a pair of shorts and a shirt from her suitcase.

"you coming with?"

"yeah, just let me get dressed."

you stood up and slid on your own tee shirt and
sweatpants. the two of you went up to the roof of the building, where smoking was allowed.

"it's gorgeous up here."

"it really is." she took another puff of her cigarette.

you reached to take the cigarette out of her mouth, and she swatted your hand away.

"you smoke?"




"it's not good for you."

"you're literally smoking right now."

"just don't smoke."

she was being protective of you, and it made you feel a little warm inside.

"okay billie, whatever you say." you said in a slightly sarcastic tone.

she laughed and put out her cigarette.

"come on."

part of me  (billie dean howard x reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang