chapter one

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chapter one - pretty woman


you were working your regular shift at the same shitty restaurant as usual. okay so the restaurant wasn't shitty, it was actually incredibly nice and extremely expesive, but the job was shitty.

"hey y/n, i need to get home but i'm supposed to work until close tonight. is there any way you could cover for me?"

you were the youngest one working there, and everyone else had lives, so when someone wanted or needed their shift covered, they always came to you. and you were too nice to say no.

"of course."

"thank you so much! i owe you one." your coworker kissed you on the cheek and turned to leave the building.

it was nine pm now, and you didn't have to close until eleven. it was mostly empty, just two or three couples and one or two families, all close to being ready to leave. you thought you might be able to get away with closing early as no one was coming in, and then a couple walked in. the woman immediately caught your attention, with her blonde locks and salmon colored acrylic nails. the man looked older than her and in the nicest way possible, was ugly, especially in comparison to her. a large wedding ring occupied the woman's ring finger. rich, as you had suspected.

"y/n, can i put them in one of your tables?" the hostess asked.

you snapped out of your gaze on the woman.

"uh yeah of course."

the hostess walked the woman and man over to one of your tables.

after letting them get settled for a few minutes, you made your way to the table to get drink orders.

"hi, i'm y/n and i'll be your server tonight."

the woman smiled at you warmly.

"could i get you something to drink?"

"i'll just have a water." the man didn't even make eye contact with you.

"i'll have a glass of rosè, please." she emphasized the 'please', probably trying to hint at her husband that he was being rude.

"i'll be right back with those."

"not even gonna id me? i knew i was old, but i didn't know i was that old."

"uh- oh. i'm sorry."

"sweetheart, i'm just messing with you."

your face grew flustered at the nickname. something about the way she was treating you felt slightly seductive. you were just imagining it. she was clearly happily married.

you came back with their drinks a couple minutes later.

"are you ready to order?"

"i'll have the steak, medium well, with potatoes on the side." the womans husband said, with a more kind tone than before, but still forgetting the 'please'.

"could i have the caesar salad please?"

"of course. i'll go put that in for you."

part of me  (billie dean howard x reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora