chapter twelve

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chapter twelve - missing your touch
content warning : smut mentions


you and billie had been together for three months now, and the whole 'no strings attached' deal, had been broken. like completely broken. like saying 'i love you' on a regular basis, kind of broken. but you were both happy, and that's what was important.

one thing that had been hard though, was always constantly being a second, or even third priority. obviously she had her husband, who was a priority, and then she had work. she would go on actual business trips, or have to spend weekends with her husband. and sometimes it was upsetting, but more often than not, you were okay with it. her and her husband had gone on a week-long vacation and they were getting back tonight. lucky for you, her husband had to leave to go on a business trip tomorrow night. you would have billie all to yourself, for an entire five days.

billie : hey baby

you : hi

billie : i just got home

you : i'll see you soon then

billie: he's leaving in the morning tomorrow.
do you wanna stay at my place while he's gone?

you : of course

billie : i'll see you soon my dear

you : see you soon.

you couldn't wait to see billie again. it had been a little over a week since you'd last seen her, and it was driving you insane. apart from just missing her, she had made a rule that you couldn't touch yourself while she was gone, so you were dying for her to touch you. dying for her to pump her fingers inside of you while you kissed her plump lips. but you had to wait.

part of me  (billie dean howard x reader)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz