Chapter 1

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Disclaimor: I do not own Yugioh or any of the characters!!!  I just own the plot!

Atem was born in to the royal house hold in Egypt. He was born with bronzy skin and star fish shaped tricolored hair. His eye were a deep violet that were captivating to anyone who saw the young boy. His father was the current Pharaoh at the time and when the time would come for Atem's father to pass on to the after life Atem would Inherit the throne. Atem was a lively boy from the moment he was brought into this world. He laughed loudly and played games happily with his friends Mana and Mahad. Then one day the laughter and the fun stopped.

Atem ran to the place court yard ready to play with his friends. when he arrived he immediately called out to them while standing in the exquisitely carved sandstone arch way that gave way to the beautiful and colorful garden inside.

"Mana! Mahad! Wanna play?" He asked excitedly

"Yeah!" Mana yelled back

Out of a pot popped a little girl no older than Atem in a little cream colored dress and golden wrist bands. She also wore a cream colored pointed hat that looked to big for her.

Her hair was a deep chocolate brown and her bangs stuck out from her head at a little bit of an angle. Her eyes were a watery green color.

She climbed out of the pot and ran over to Atem. when she was beside him you could clearly see the difference in their heights for Atem had alway been smaller then her.

"Mahad!" They both called out together giggling after.

"What!?" Mahad called back,"unlike you two I actually attend school!"

A boy about three years older then the other two stepped out from behind a tree where he had been reading a book for one of his magic classes.

The two little ones skipped clumsily over to Mahad for they were barely 3 years old.

"Wanna play hide and seek?" Atem asked

"Yeah!!!" Mana yelled happily

"I really should be studying but I suppose I could for an hour or two." Mahad said

"Yay!" The younger two exclaimed before giggling and screaming "not it!"

After a ten minute agreement consisting of "your it!" "No your it!", Mahad finally agreed that he would be it with a sigh.

The two little ones cheered and then ran off while Mahad was counting to 20. (The little ones couldn't count any higher then that.)

"Ready or not here I come!" Mahad called out to them. he started off by looking in Atem's favorite hiding place: the old clay pots In the garden.

He opened the lid, saw nothing, but heard a faint whacking coming from behind a tree.

He walked over to see Atem sitting on his needs crying hysterically having just tripped over the tree root. his face was strangely red. Mahad assumed it was from the fall.

Atem had fallen on his face and was holding his little nose. Mahad forced the boy to let go so that he could see. his face was smeared with blood, snot and tears. Atem continued to cry while Mahad whiped his face off with a handkerchief and held the boys nose until it stopped bleeding, which didn't take long. As he was doing so he notice the boy felt unnaturally warm. Concerned, he put his hand on Atem's forehead.

"Shoot!" Mahad said with a sigh

He quieted the boy down and then picked him up letting him snuggle into his shirt still whimpering because of the fever. he took the boy inside with Mana skipping and importuning be hind him.

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