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Blitzen always worked.


No matter how hard Hearthstone tried to get him to work less it was always 'But I need to finish this vest!' 'But there's more things to be done' 'But I have to get this done for a client!'

It didn't help that 'Blitzen's Best' was open six days a week, Sunday being the only day the dwarf didn't work unless he was sick and Hearth forced him.

Hearth was lounging on their couch while Blitz sewed in the other room when he decided to get his workaholic boyfriend.

It was getting late and Hearth was trying to stay awake because sometimes Blitz would stay up all night if Hearth didn't remind him to go to bed but now the elf was getting tired and decided to get Blitzen to stop finally.

He walked over to Blitz's workshop and nudged the door open.

As he walked closer Hearthstone could feel the hum of the sewing machine.

Blitzen didn't notice until Hearth was practically on top of him.

"Oh hey Hearth," He greeted finally noticing his boyfriends arrival.

Hi. Time for bed. He tried to sign but Blitzen's attention had already focused back to his project. He grunted in frustration and clapped to bring it back to him. Time for bed. He signed again once the dwarf's eyes came back to him.

"Just a few more minutes I need to finish this." He mumbled.

No. Bed. Come. He demanded trying his best to look intimidating.

"But Hearth!" He whined.

No. Now. I will carry you to bed if I have to.

Blitz bared his teeth in what Hearth could only assume was the svartalf hissing at him.







Yes. Hearthstone ended the argument by grabbing Blitz and lifting him up fully prepared to go through with his threat of dragging him out of the room.

Blitzen squirmed and thrashed trying in vain to escape the grasp but Hearth was much stronger than he looked.

The elf carried him into the other room and then to their bedroom tossing Blitz down on the bed.

He righted himself and muttered "Stupid elf."

Hearth stuck out his tongue and climbed into bed falling asleep almost instantly as per usual.

The next morning Hearthstone was the first awake also as usual and as he stared at his sleeping boyfriend (not in a creepy way) he looked so peaceful, a look he didn't often wear while working himself to his limit that was when he decided he wasn't letting Blitz work that day he would force the dwarf to for once not try and do a million things at once.

Hearth crawled out of bed careful not disturb the sleeping form beside him and went to practice magic while he waited for Blitzen to wake.

When Blitz did awaken Hearth was in the middle of a spell he'd been trying to master with a runestone that looked like a lightning bolt or lopsided 'S' 

When Blitz did awaken Hearth was in the middle of a spell he'd been trying to master with a runestone that looked like a lightning bolt or lopsided 'S' 

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

Sowulo. The rune for 'sun'

He was attempting to cause the runestone to glow like a tiny very bright mini flashlight sort of thing for when they traveled to worlds with limited sunlight.

The dwarf now awake wandered into the room and tapped Hearth's shoulder.

Hearthstone jumped not expecting the sudden interruption. The runestone that had just started to dimly illuminate flickered out as his concentration was lost.

Hearth spun around sighing heavily.

"Oops." Blitz said.

Oops  The elf mocked exaggeratedly.

"Sorry!" He emphasized the 'Sor' sound

Sorry Hearth mimicked 

"Hearthstone I swear to the gods."

Hearthstone I swear to the gods.

Blitz grumbled something that Hearth couldn't make out and began to his workshop before his was stopped.

Now you are done with your beauty sleep I have something to tell you. Hearth gestured

"Oh? And what is that?" Blitzen completely ignored the 'beauty sleep' comment.

You aren't working today.

"What do you mean?

I mean I'm not letting you work today. You need me to sign slower?

 "Hearth it's Saturday." Blitz informed him. "I have to work."

So? Take off weekend. Easy. 

"It's not easy! We're always busy Saturdays! You should know you help all the time." He argued

Please? Hearthstone decided to take drastic measures signing with his best poor-sad-helpless-elf expression.

Blitzen stared at his face for a while looking like he was having an internal war with himself before muttering "Oh for the love of- Fine."

Hearth grinned and made the gesture for Yay! Basically his equivalent to deranged fangirl shrieking which almost made it worth it for Blitz.

The elf dragged his boyfriend to the sofa and told him We aren't doing anything today.

Blitz rolled his eyes.

The two of them sat there watching TV and cuddling for the rest of the day and although Blitzen would never admit it he loved every minute of it.

Kind of unrelated but when I was searching up for runes to come up with a new spell for Hearth to practice I searched up 'Norse runes and their meanings' and on one image with a bunch of meanings where I found the sun rune there (among other things) was also Perthro and beside it with the meaning it said hearth like as in the fire I'm assuming which I was torn between being confused over and fangirling over because I still don't know why it said hearth beside it because it wasn't like a MCGA related article or anything anyway thats my story for the day, sorry about the super sporadic updating schedule and the insane about of cringy fluff

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