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Blitzen walked along the streets of Nidavellir, he needed to get out. 

Three years ago today he received the message that changed his life. 

Three years ago today they told him about the torn up clothing washed ashore.

Three years ago today he found out about his father's death.

As he wandered around the city, self deprecating thought loomed in his head.

You should have convinced him not to go.

You should have be with him.

It's your fault hes dead.

Just as Blitz thought things couldn't get worse, Eitri Junior and his posse of bodyguards showed up.

"Oh look who it is," the elderly dwarf sneered. "The very dwarf I was looking for."

"Get lost Junior." Blitzen hissed.

"Well that was a bit uncalled for. I simply wanted to ask your opinion on this new rope I designed. It's to die for."

Blitz's jaw tightened and his fists clenched. He tried to walk away but Juniors bodyguards blocked his way. 

"Come now don't go just yet, I don't understand why you're so mad at me it's not my fault the idiot went and got himself kil-" Junior was cut off as Blitzen lunged and punched the stupid old dwarf in the nose. 

Eitri Junior stumbled back and one of his goons caught him before he fell as the other went for Blitz beating him up.

Blitz, curled up on the ground his hands over his head. Usually he wouldn't let himself just be beat like this. Usually he would fight back, but these dwarfs were much stronger than him, delivering punches in sharp blows that left throbbing pain wherever they struck.

Eventually Junior grew tired of watching the younger dwarf beaten up and called his minions to his side.

When Blitzen was sure they had left, he shakily rose to his feet and blinked his eyes trying not to focus on the pain he felt both inside and outside. 

The dwarf stumbled into an alleyway lowering himself to the ground, leaning on the wall. His attempts at protecting his head and face had apparently been pointless as his left eye stung with discomfort and when he out his hand to his head it came back glistening red with blood.

Weak. He told himself. Pathetic, you should have fought back.

His self diminishing thoughts were disrupted when he heard coming from deeper in the alley, faint ragged breathing.

Blitz stood again to investigate thinking it might be a stray animal.

He looked to find, not someones lost pet, but a battered elf.

His first thought was What the hel? Why is Odin's name is there an elf in Nidavellir?

The elf appeared just barely conscious, green veins were visible beneath his nearly translucent skin, his sharp features and hollow cheekbones prominent. By his side hung a frayed cloth pouch. The only thing not in tatters seemed to be his clothing, dark jeans, a black t-shirt and leather jacket.

Blitzen crouched down beside the elf. "Hello? Are you alright?" 

Stupid question Blitzen. Did this elf look alright?

The elf raised a shaky hand and tapped his ear, weakly shaking his head. 

It took Blitz a moment to figure out what he meant. "Oh... you can't hear?" he realized aloud. He dug around in his pockets searching for the small notepad and pen he carried usually just for if he saw some fashion inspiration. 

He pulled it out and scribbled something on it the held it up to the elf. I can help you. The elf showed no sign of reading what he'd written, Blitzen wasn't sure he was even still awake.

Unsure what else to do the dwarf lifted the elf into his arms bridal style and began carrying him to his apartment, all thoughts of his previous fight gone, with a new goal. Save the elf.

The elf was so delicate with his thin frame and papery thin skin Blitzen felt if he made one wrong step or held him to tight he would simply shatter.

Dashing through the streets they caught many weird glances from passing citizens. It's not every day you see a battered dwarf carrying a half dead elf though Nidavellir.

When they arrived at the apartment Blitz set the fragile elf on his sofa and turned all the lights in the house on which didn't make a big difference as they were all still pretty dull.

After that he began to craft. He had an idea but was going to build something smaller first to keep the elf alive until he finished the big project.

It was a bit like a flashlight but bigger and brighter. Blitz finished that first one rather fast so he then positioned it in front of the elf in a way so the rays would hit him but not bare down on Blitzen. Then he began the more ambitious design.

About halfway through the undertaking of his next idea the elf started to stir. Blitz walked over as his eyes fluttered open, pale gray eyes. He blinked a few times and looked around in confusion, his eyes meeting Blitzen's.

Uncertain on what else to do Blitz awkwardly waved to the elf.

The elf pushed himself up slightly on wobbling arms then began making shaky gestures with his hands. When he caught Blitzen's confused expression he mimed writing something down.

That much Blitz understood. He dashed out of the room and ran back in with a sheet of paper and pencil. He offered the items to the elf who scrawled something down and passed it back.

Thank you. The paper now read.

Blitzen wrote back, No problem, I couldn't just leave you out there to die. I'm Blitzen what's your name?

Hearthstone. The no longer nameless elf answered.

Well Hearthstone, how did you get out there anyway? Blitzen questioned.

Hearthstone simply replied with Long story.

Blitzen's curiosity was peaked but he didn't want to make Hearthstone uncomfortable so he dropped the subject, promising himself he would figure this elf out eventually.

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