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Tw: Blood and death

So remember a while back I promised something really angsty? 

This is it. I apologize in advance.

They were both dying.

They were both dying and there was nothing they could do about it but hold tight to each other.

Sure they had died before years and years ago then gone to Hotel Valhalla, and then many times after that at the hotel but this?

This was worse.

No one knew what came after this.

This was Ragnarok.

There was Blood.


The red mixed with green as Blitzen and Hearthstone clung to one another.

"Hey it- it's gonna be okay." Blitz muttered as much to himself as to Hearth.

Hearth shook his head and shakily signed Remember when we first started watching Magnus? You hated pretending to be homeless.

"Excuse me for not wanting..." He began to protest before realizing his words were too slurred from blood loss for Hearth to read them and switched to signing. Sorry I didn't want to dress in rags.

You are so dramatic.

Whatever. Remember when I saved you that day? In N-I-D-A-V-E-I-L-L-I-R ? Blitz gestured with trembling hands.

Kind of. I was barely awake most time in case you forgot.

Shut up.

But I didn't say anything. Hearth smiled a bit.

Blitzen rolled his eyes. You know what I meant... What else?

When you first opened up Blitzen's Best... I was so proud. Hearthstone signed.

Do you remember? Blitz continued. When I got you that scarf?

Hearth wrapped his hand around the strip of fabric like it was the only thing holding him to reality.

After a moment of clinging to each other, Blitz raised his hands and gestured. Hearthstone, if this is it... I'm so glad I got to spend my life... and afterlife with you. I never would have been able to do the things I've done without you. Thank you.

Tears welled in Hearths eyes. Blitzen, if this is it then I want you to know... you are my world. I wouldn't have been strong enough without your support to pursue magic or anything else. You saved me. Thank you.

They both were crying at this point. 

"I love you..." Blitzen whispered.

The two leaned forward and pressed their lips together, blood and tears mixing. 

They stayed like this for who knows how long until eventually the light faded from both of them and they were plunged into darkness. 

Blitzen woke in a rolling green field speckled with flowers. Sunlight shone down but it didn't petrify him. 

He was confused. He had died. Where was he?

Was thing was came after Ragnarok? Was Hearthstone here?

He began to look around and out of the corner of his eye, he could have sworn he caught a glimpse of a red and white striped length of fabric...

This was really short because for some reason I can't write angst but eh here it is.

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