"Hey Lex!" I say hugging her back.

"We're up in the conference room! 4th floor." She says walking away from us and heading over to the front desk.

Mal and I head to the elevator and head up to the conference room. Most of the girls were here, which is good. Everyone seemed so happy I was here and so was I. I missed everyone so much.

"Y/n!" Says Christen as she hugs me

"Hey Sis ." I reply hugging her back. Tobin gets up and hugs Mal. Then we switch and Christen hugs Mal and I hug Tobin.

"How was the flight?" She asks

"Pretty good, how was your guys flight? ."I ask

"Good!" Says Tobin

"It was good." Says Christen

We sit down and talk with them until everyone is here. Once everyone is seated Jill starts her announcements.

"Alright ladies! Welcome to June camp. As you all know we're playing Canada, it's going to be competitive and physical, probably the most physical game we've had in a while. So at practice I want everyone focused and ready to do. Prove to me and the rest of the coaching spot that you deserve that start."

"Y/n, I want to welcome you back to the team, I know you have worked hard to get back and we're already proud of you." She says and everyone claps. After a few seconds It dies back down so she can continue.

Alright for our schedule the next week or so,

Wednesday  (today) - arrival
Thursday practice
Friday -  light practice and film session
Saturday - game day
Sunday-   free day
Monday - practice & film
Tuesday - game day
Wednesday- end camp

"Dinners are mandatory except for game days and Sunday. So please make sure you're here. Breakfast  hours 6:30 to 10:30. Lunch will be available from 12:00-3:00pm, dinner is at 6:30 every night. After dinner you are free to explore the city or do whatever you would like to do, just be back before curfew at 12. If we have film scheduled then once that is finished you can leave to do whatever you want." She says and everyone just nods their heads.

Jill goes over sleeping arrangements next, I'm rooming with Hope, Mal is rooming with Christen. I kinda zoned out after hearing  my name so I don't remember who else is roomed with. 

Thank you ladies, you are dismissed, I will see you guys tomorrow at 11:00 for practice. Please be in the lobby at 10:45 so we can get on the bus by 11:00. We should be at the stadium by 11:30 and we will probably get started around 12:00 so make you either eat something before. She says and everyone gets up to go take our luggage to our rooms. I guess we're all planning on going swimming to chill out for the night.

"Y/n do you mind staying back for a few minutes?" Asks Jill.

"Of course." I say

Everyone exits the room to go to their rooms.

"I just wanted to touch base with you about how you're feeling about being back. I'm sure you're nervous." She says

"I am nervous, I did a lot of thinking after getting that phone call from you and I think I'm ready. I feel ready." I say sitting down in the chair next to Jill and Dawn.

"I'm glad to hear It, I think you're ready too. Dawn and I have spoken and we believe it's best that we start you slow. We don't want to rush you back and you end up getting injured. We know your arm doesn't have 100% function and you also having a head injury can be very concerning. I do want you to play, even if it's only for 20-30 minutes. If you feel like you need to come out just take a knee and dawn will run out and signal a substitution for you. Stay communicating with us, we don't want you to feel like we're babying you but we just want to be careful to make sure you're able to stay healthy." She says

"I completely understand and I am very thankful for even getting this chance to play again. I don't feel like you guys are babying me at all, in fact if you think I need to come out then please pull me out. I promise I will also communicate if I need to come out."I say

"You're  a very talented player, as long as you're feeling 100% that's all that matters." Says Jill.

"Thank you very much." I say

"Well we will let you go, I'll see you tomorrow morning."Says Jill getting up and shaking my hand.

I get up and shake her hand back before turning and grabbing my bag and heading up to my room. I unpack a few stuff and grab my swimsuit, which was just a sports bra and some swim shorts. I threw a sleeveless tank top on over It.  I grab my phone, a towel and  my key card before exiting the room and heading down to the pool area. Mostly everyone was in the pool already.

Hope was sitting down In a chair, Kelley and Emily were trying to get her to come in. I take a seat next to her. Emily and Kelley keep trying to get her to come in. I can tell she's close to caving.

"I'll go in if you go in." I say

"Fine I'll get in." She says throwing her hands up. We both stand up, I slip my sandals off and decide to take my shirt off. I get in and Mal swims over me and grabs my hand and pulls me over to the deep end. She wraps her arms around me and kisses my cheek. I smile like an idiot.

"How did your talk with Jill and Dawn go?" She asks

"Good, we're all on the same page. If I do end up playing It will only be 20-30 minutes. They want me to start of slow." I reply

"Understandable, they probably don't wanna rush you back and you end up getting hurt."She says

"Yeah for sure." I respond as Emily jumps in the pool causing the water to splash in our faces.

"Cannon ball!" She yells before jumping.

We swim until the pool closes, which was at 11. So we get out and get dried off before heading to our rooms to shower and get ready for bed. Hope got In first and then I got in after. I took my sweet time getting out. The warm water always feels nice. She was asleep by the time I got out.
I laid down on my back and looked up at the ceiling. I wonder how practice is gonna go.


Hey guys! Sorry for the delay in getting this book up! I had a busy week and stuff just kept popping up so everytime I started to write It I had to stop to do stuff. Thanks for reading!

The name of the book will probably change. I couldn't think of a better name at the time but I wanted to get this out so if It changes on you don't be alarmed.

I'm also willing to take suggestions of if you guys want anything specific to happen! Just DM me and I'll do my best to make It work. I'll also give credit if ya want It.

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