Giovanni slowed after thirty seconds of running, his Converse covered feet slowed and so did his legs, along with his arms. She wondered how he could walk after that, but he did. He walked normally on the treadmill then, smoothing fallen strands of hair back and his chest rised and lowered quickly, sweat glistening on his arms and neck and face, making him look simply delicious to her.

She definitely looked like a deer in headlights, so she snapped herself from her trance and stepped away from the treadmill, making her way to the powerlifting station that was directly behind her.

She turned her back towards the half-full gym, swinging her ponytail to her front and putting the silver bar on her shoulders, getting into formation.

She lifted the bar, forty-five kilograms feeling like a feather on her built shoulders. She bended her knees and exhaled as she lowered slowly, looking at the matted floor as she counted one, and then two, all the way to ten, bending everytime.

She was, as usual, unaware of the eyes on her. Blue, chaos-filled eyes found their way to her. Giovanni parted his lips, instantly recognizing her, even though it was only her back and legs that were visible to him, her hair covering her face.

"My god, I could look at this every day of my life and not grow tired,"

Arabella instantly recognised his voice. She exhaled sharply, putting the silver bar back on the small metal holders, turning swiftly.

"Has no one ever told you to not hit on girls while they work out?"

Giovanni smiled, smoothing his hands over his arms in an attempt to dull the shiny beads of sweat on his skin. He looked up at her and couldn't help his eyes as they trailed over her figure. Her leggings hugged her legs to graciously that he almost lost sense of of his brain.

"Funny how we meet at the most random of places," He said, leaning against the bench press holder. She shrugged then, "I suppose. Not random if it's in both of our areas,"

"You know what I mean," He said, tilting his head to his left. She smiled, "I saw you running,"

"What a creep,"

She breathed a laugh, shaking her head. "Not like that, Giovanni. You're fast," She complimented, not hiding her deep attraction to him in that moment. He raised his brows, "Oh?" He voiced, egging her to compliment her again. She merely hummed a yes in response, finding her water bottle and taking a gently gulp from it.

"I ran track in high-school,"

"As did I,"

Giovanni parted his lips, his attraction clear as day immediately. "Clearly." He said, lifting his chin as he motioned to her. She smiled, putting her bottle down, making her way back to her powerlifting station.

Giovanni took the one next to her, using that as him telling her that he wanted to challenge her. She raised her brows as she watched him load weights onto the bar, his eyes only leaving hers to turn around, taking the weight from the rack.

"Reps or weights?"

"I lift one-hundred and ninety, honey."


Giovanni smirked then, his face pulling into one that screamed impressed. Arabella walked past him and to the weights, taking two in her hands and she continued putting her weights on until she reached one-ninety, positioning herself under the bar.

"Loser has to buy coffee, yeah?"

She nodded, smiling. And then Giovanni positioned himself under his bar, the muscles in his forearms tightening and loosening and moving as he gripped it, shorting her a quick wink, making her cheeks glow a bright, warm red.

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