"Oh. Haha. A fighting spirit, I love it! Only, I'm afraid you're mistaken. You've never seen anything like me." Grimmel said in a voice that sent chills down Heather's back.

Suddenly, the roof began to melt. A big dragon dropped down and just missed Astrid. More dragons came into the hut while spitting some sort of acid, putting everything on fire. Heather saw Astrid and Gobber run out with Fishlegs just as one of the dragons knocked her helmet off. 

Valka and Hiccup came over to her as they tried to shield themselves from the deadly acid. Heather suddenly felt something slice her side. She looked down and saw a big gash in her side. Heather felt her consciousness slipping and she fell to the ground as everything turned black.

She suddenly woke up and gasped. 

"Calm down." She turned and saw Astrid at her side. "One of those dragons got you in the side. It had some kind of venom that put you to sleep. Luckily you are ok."

Heather nodded and fell back into bed. She instinctively grabbed around her to find Frida, but reality hit her like a rock in the head. She had asked her to leave. And she wouldn't come back for a long time. 

She felt a few tears build up in her eyes, but she tried her best to suppress them.

"We have decided to leave Berk. Grimmel will come here again, and it is safer if we run," Astrid said. 

Heather sat up again. Nothing hurt, surprisingly just a slight sting in her side. "But what if Frida comes back? She won't know where we went. And what if she comes when Grimmel does? He won't be so happy to see her," Heather said.

"The village's safety is more important, and if she has gone to Grimmel, I am pretty sure she will find us again."

Heather reluctantly agreed. Astrid had a point, and she would hopefully see Frida again. Some day.

They had all packed and were now flying to "The hidden world", as Hiccup called it. Everyone was on the lookout for anything that could look like it. Heather was looking for her girlfriend. At one point Tuffnut said something about how the earth is round.  Idiotic. 

Everything suddenly got cold. The clouds became dark and the dragons grew silent. Toothless growled lowly as his eyes became slits. 

"What are you picking up on bud?" Hiccup asked. There was suddenly a blast in the sky. A bright blue one. After that, dark blue lighting strikes. "A storm," Hiccup said. "We better find somewhere to take cover."

"That isn't a storm," Eret said. 

Suddenly, a large figure came flying out of the sky, directly towards Toothless. Something on its back jumped off while still holding on and kicked Hiccup off Toothless. The figure jumped back on the dragon and looked back. Heather knew who it was. 

The dragon zoomed away and Heather immediately followed it, followed by the rest of the gang, plus Eret, Valka, and Gobber. Hiccup was on Toothless again and quickly caught up to them.

The dragon and rider steered for an island with many mountains. It was quickly companioned by another very different dragon. Way more spiky and scary looking. 

The two riders dived for the mountains and maneuvered through them. It was difficult to keep up when they were in such a big group, but the two riders had brought them into a place where it was impossible to separate. 

"You get one shot Toothless, make it count," Hiccup said from beside Heather. 

Toothless fired and hit the rider on the white dragon's back. The rider got shot forwards, the dragon couldn't stay in the air and crashed into the other, and they all tumbled to the ground. 

Heather quickly flew over to the rider that had been on top of the white dragon. It had to be Frida. Heather jumped of Windshear and ran over to the seemingly unconscious rider. She quickly took off her helmet and threw it away. Before she could get a good look at her, the rider's eyes opened. They were glowing purple. 

"Frida?" Heather asked as the rider quickly stood up and walked away from her and over to the white dragon. She checked up on him, looking extremely worried. The second she realized he was ok, she relaxed.

"Frida, you are coming with us," Hiccup said as he walked over to her with his flaming sword. 

Frida laughed loudly. The laugh had no emotion in it, but her whole body shook. Heather felt it run cold down her back. A second laugh joined Frida's. This one was just as emotionless as hers. 

"I will not come with you Hiccup, I have just come to give you a message," Frida said in a low voice. "Take care of your loved ones, you never know when they are gone." She looked at Toothless and smirked before she went to go on her dragon. 

Heather put her ax to her throat and got a small flashback from when they were in the forest. "You are not going anywhere," she said as she pushed it further.

Something flashed across Frida's eyes. It looked like regret, sadness, and recognition. Her eyes flashed blue for a quick second. "I love you," she uttered quickly before her eyes returned to glowing purple and her face became stone cold. 

What Frida said, caused Heather to lower her guard for just enough time for Frida to kick her away at the same time as she jumped up on her dragon. "Be careful Hiccup. My father is willing to play a long game," Frida said before she flew away as she snatched her helmet off the ground.

Heather watched as she flew away along with the other. 

Just before they were out of sight, the one with the scary-looking dragon fired a bolt of lightning at them. Everyone took cover under their dragons and luckily no one was hurt. 

Heather looked up to the sky again, only to find it empty. 

What had Grimmel done to Frida?

A/N: Sorry for not posting this earlier, I had a lot of school work, but I hope you enjoyed this.
Thanks again for over 200 reads!!
Drink water, eat and sleep enough, just mainly take care of yourselves.
There is at least one person that loves and appreciates you.
Have a blessed day/night/afternoon.
Appreciate you all reading this, and remember that comments, sites, and critics are highly appreciated. (If there are spelling mistakes point them out so I can correct them.)

The Lost Riders | Heather X Original Female Character (Complete)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora