Chapter 24: Queen of Leveryl

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(Y/N)'s POV
A huge castle came into view before us but I couldnt quite see it because of the fog. When we walked even closer, I can finally see the castle. It was auite spooky but I felt excited, somehow.

The main door of the castle opened by itself once we were close to it

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The main door of the castle opened by itself once we were close to it. The door knob was shaped like a skull. The castle hallway was also quite eerie.

When we came upon a door with black roses growing over it, Lacey knocked before entering. When she gestured us to go in, we did.

There was a pot of cauldron in the middle of the room, some bottles with weird coloured liquids on the shelves which I assume were potions, a bunch of weird ingredients on the table and a chandelier made out of bones.

"Welcome, fellow strangers. What brought you here?" A woman with ash coloured hair said. She was wearing a long gown and she is beautiful.

"Well, we came here on King Orion's orders

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"Well, we came here on King Orion's orders. We need to save Alastaire before King Boody of Wavyrie figures out how to rule the entire world by using a fully powered shard of Rose Heart" Ray said.

"Ah...yes. King Orion had notified me upon your arrival" the mysterious woman said as Ray handes her the scroll.

"Well, my name is Miranda and I am the Queen of Leveryl, kingdom of witches and wizards" Queen Miranda said.

"However, you must help me find one special ingredient by tomorrow sunset for a special potion. You can find it at The Enchanted Woods" Queen Miranda said and handed us a paper with a picture of a beautiful flower.

 You can find it at The Enchanted Woods" Queen Miranda said and handed us a paper with a picture of a beautiful flower

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"Here...a potion for strength..." She said and gave us a bottle with blue liquid in it.

I took it and kept it in my deep pocket

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I took it and kept it in my deep pocket.
"You may search for the Yellow Dust flower now..." Queen Miranda said and returned to her cauldron with sorrowful eyes.

We left the castle and began asking directions to the Enchanted Woods. A little witch girl came to us and pointed us to the direction of the woods.

We thanked her and walked to the woods. Once we arrived, there were a few warning signs about the danger of the woods but I knew we had to get that we went in.

The owls were looking at us with wide eyes without making a sound

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The owls were looking at us with wide eyes without making a sound. I got creeped out and decided to hold Ray's hand for protection.

Kanato pouted and held my arm. xander rolled his eyes and began walking faster but I could see a hint of slight anger on his face.

We continue wandering around the woods in search for the yellow dust flower but to no avail. We decided to give up and search for it tomorrow since a storm is brewing among the clouds.

We began looking for a shelter till Xander tripped on something and fell. He groaned and looked back. It was a small metal door.

We decided to open it and there were stairs leading into a pure darkness. Ray lighted up a fire and we began climbing down. When we reached the bottom, Ray said "Hello? Is anyone here?" but no one answered.

There was a few holders for fire and Ray lighted them up. The room lit up and we saw the entire room.

 The room lit up and we saw the entire room

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There were two chairs and a bed. The room isn't that big but we needed a shelter so I jumped on the bed. We figured no one lived here since the floor is so dusty.

When I landed on the bed, soot and dust covered my nose and I sneezed and cough. "(Y/N)! We need to clean this before we can sleep in it" Ray said and rushed over to me.

After sneezing and coughing a few more times, we cleaned the place up. Once we did, I jumped on the bed once more but no soot came up.

Ray laid beside me on my right while Xander laid beside me on the left. Kanato just cuddled me up on top of me and I smiled. 'They're so adorable....' I thought while letting their warmth putting me to sleep.

"Goodnight guys..." I said and let out a yawn. "Goodnight (Y/N)..." Ray said and cuddled my side. "Goodnight..."Xander said and cuddled me on my left while Kanato cuddled up on my chest and said "goodnight cutie".

I blushed a little from their affections but I just thought that they were cold and needed warmth from me so I began to fall asleep once (your yandere) kissed my cheeks.

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