"I beg to disagree, she must have a hundred godparents. An army that protects her like a precious and cherished royalty," Jason Blood suggested and John shakes his head. "What do you mean like? Raven is a precious and cherished princess in this household," John said and Jason nods his head.

"Of course, my mistake," Jason replied. Zatanna who has been listening to her husband and Jason Blood through the open door sighed in frustration. "I'm surrounded by crazy people," Zatanna said to herself and felt bad for her daughter. Zatanna shut the door because she'd had enough of listening to insane people who are too concerned about Raven's safety. 

Thankfully, Raven won't have to deal with her husband or Jason Blood because Zachary has agreed to assist Raven while she adjusts to life without magic. Zatanna appreciates Zachary's assistance to Raven throughout his ten-day work break.

Zachary seems to be looking forward to spending time with Raven, and Zatanna is relieved that Zachary does not appear to be too upset by his recent breakup with his girlfriend. When they were small, Zachary and Raven were really cute. Because Zachary and Raven are close in age, they spend a lot of time together and Zachary acts as Raven's older brother.

Raven will be with Zach, so she won't have to deal with two elderly weirdos that are too strict with her. Zachary adores Raven, and he isn't as insane as her husband.

Raven takes her English book from her locker and neatly placed her other books and things back inside. Damian is waiting on her and took the picture of them that is taped on her inner locker door. "We should take a new picture," Damian said to her and studies the old picture of them. Damian sees his sketch of her is taped on her locker and beside it is Raven's sketch of him.

Damian took the small paper and smiled. "Don't laugh," Raven said to him and tried snatching back the drawing of him but he raised his hand above Raven. "I'm not laughing at your work," Damian said and looks up to admire his girlfriend's drawing.

It's a drawing of him with sticks for limbs and body, a circular head with two small sticks for eyes, and a curved line for a mouth.

"Thank you for giving me a... one, two, three, four, five, six. Six strands of hair," Damian said and Raven hits his chest. "Give it back," Raven said to him and Damian shakes his head. "I'm keeping this," Damian said and Raven tries to reach for the sketch again. "Don't you dare," Raven warns him but Damian slipped the drawing in his breast pocket.

"It's mine," Damian said with a grin. "Tone it down with the flirting," Donna commented whose locker is right beside Raven's. "People might get the idea that you guys are dating," Donna said and lowered her voice. "What's the point of hiding it if you're gonna flirt in front of everyone anyway?" Donna asks.

"We've explained this before," Raven replied. "If we confirm the rumors then it's going to be annoying," Damian answered. "So your plan is to keep denying it until they get tired of asking?" Donna asks Damian and Raven, and both nod their head. "That's what we've been doing and it's working so far," Raven replied.

"You're not bothered about the people who confess their love for your boyfriend?" Donna asks and Raven closed her locker. "I'm used to it," Raven answered casually. "I don't think I would be able to stand people confessing to my Jonnie-poo," Donna said and held on to Jon's arm. "Hey, is that Maya?" Jon said and pointed at Maya Ducard who is standing outside the teacher's office in civilian clothes.

"Maya," Raven called for the girl, Maya faces them and the end of her lips perked. Maya is holding books that are the same as the ones they are currently using. "You're here," Raven said to her. "What brought you here?" Donna asks Maya. "Are you going to study here too?" Jon asks her.

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