Numbering System

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In this collection of tales, I am going to be using a special numbering system in my chapter titles, to make searching for tales and following specific story lines simpler.

There will be two different orders for chapters: full order, and segmented order.
Full order is as it sounds, the exact order that specific tale takes place in within the entire collection. But segmented order is that tale's order within the specific "segment" - different groups, based around whom the story follows (T-Trains, S-Ships, A-Armoured Vehicles, P-Planes).

For example:

01T01 "A"
02S01 "B"
03T02 "C"

In this example, chapter "B" canonically takes place between the first and the third chapter. However, the story may seem more consistent if you follow chapter "A" with chapter "C" instead. Or maybe there's just one group you don't particularly feel interested in reading about. Doesn't matter to me.

Confused? Then don't worry. Ignore the numbers, and just read the chapters as they come. But the system is there, feel free to use it.

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