Special Thanks

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I wouldn't be here publishing this today without the help of so, so many people in my life. There are too many to name here, but I wanted to give a special thanks to a certain few.

To the friend who got me writing, and kept me writing. I really wouldn't be here without you. Can't have a story without the writing itself. Thank you for helping me Klam my mouth shut and get going.

To the friend who I asked all-too-often proofread my work. And what's a story if it's filled with holes, odd phrasing, and spelling mistakes? Anything that my brain might Gloss over, you were sure to catch. Thank you for the time you gave me, and I hope you know my writing would never be this level of somewhat-competent without you.

To the friend who worked through designs with me, and helped get everything truly squared away. You're my own personal Hype man sometimes. The amount of help you've given me in clearing out my mind and making everything work is, I think, more than you really know. No amount of thanks could every make that clear.

To my quick, speedy, Rapid friend - for letting me bounce ideas off of you whenever. You've helped inspire a lot of the work I've done, and the work I plan on doing, here. For being the best idea-bouncer I know, I wanted to say thank you.

And to my Steamy friend from the north - thank you for keeping the fuels of my passion lit and alive. Wouldn't be here if I didn't even care so much in the first place. There's a rail-shaped chamber of my heart, and I'm keeping her fired little and often, just as you taught. Thank you for keeping that fire bright.

And to everyone else, who would either be too complicated to explain, or of whom I couldn't think of an anonymity-preserving pun for - thank you all as well. Anyone who ever said "oh, that's cool" when I mentioned I was writing something. Anyone who ever told me to keep writing if I cared about it. Anyone who so much as gave me the time of day to explain my thoughts.

I sit here, feeling prouder than I have ever possibly felt in my life for something I did (technically!) by myself. And though I do think of it as a group effort, as my thanks here surely must show, I have to be proud of myself for actually finishing something in my life. You guys made it happen.

To Tales T01-T03, and many more to come.

Thank you, TheRealZapotec.

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