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"What happened to her?" I pointed to Nicki who was laying in the hospital bed looking lifeless. "I don't wanna talk about it." Beyoncé said so I rolled my eyes. "Come on I'm your best friend you can tell me anything." I didn't really care but I wanted her to trust me again so I could eventually get rid of this low life who was ruining my chances of getting my dream girl. "I fucked up and she hurt herself because of me...I hate myself..." she said letting a sigh escape her lips.

"Don't blame yourself Bey people do only what they want to. When you really think about it this was really selfish of her, she took the easy route out not even giving it a second thought." The first step to getting my girl is emotionally detaching her from Nicki. "Don't say that you don't know what she was thinking and you don't know what she's been through." She said defensively. "Ok but you gotta admit that this was a self centered act she didn't think about how you would feel if she did it obviously." She crossed her arms.

"Stop! Just stop. She wouldn't do this on purpose I know it...I know her....She wouldn't." She shook her head in disbelief. "Did she even leave a note or anything?" Her head snapped in my direction. "No but it wasn't planned trust me I know her." Her lips were quivering as she spoke. "You don't really know her like you think you do. Did you know that her father is Michael Collen?" I stated putting my hand on my hip.

"No- no way. You're lying. This- this can't be possible.." I nodded. "Her father is the man who killed your father in cold blood and she's probably working with him to take you and your mother out too." I could tell she was still doubting me from the look on her face. "But why the fuck would she nearly kill her self if she didn't really love me?" I was running out of answers so I tried to think of something quick.

"This is just one of many missions for her and people like her do anything to get what they need to get done, done." She turned to Nicki and starred at her for a couple seconds and then she slowly turned her head back towards me which scarred the hell outta' of me.


She thinks she so smart and I'm some kind of fucking idiot. Like I wouldn't peep her bullshit from a mile away. "Do I look like booboo the fucking fool to you? Huh? What kind of idiot do you take me as Kelly?" I spat getting up and standing in her face. "I-I." "Oh now you start stuttering, but you weren't just stuttering when you were trying to make me hate my girlfriend were you?" I turned my head to the side and gave her a sinister smile.

"Bey-" "SHUT UP! You think I'm dumb....You of all people should know I don't like when people underestimate me." I said in a petty tone while circling around her slowly. "You should also know that I'm a fucking psychopath...Being in this hospital all this time only made it worse and you know what else it made worse?" I continued.

I'm guessing she thought that was a rhetorical question cause she just stood there looking stupid. "I SAID DO YOU KNOW WHAT FUCKING ELSE IT MADE WORSE?" She jumped as I yelled and fear consumed her. "W-what e-else?" She croaked. "My tolerance for BULLSHIT Kelly." She jumped once again which was my goal . I wanted her flowing with fear so that she'd know better next time.

"You tried to play me like a fool but I'm really always ahead of you...See Nicki's last name is Maraj and I know she couldn't have gotten that from her mother cause her mothers last name is Eden. So tell me how the absolute FUCK would her father be a man with the last name of COLLEN!" I finished walking around her and slammed my hand on the table near me and Kelly almost fell because of how hard she jumped.

"You forgot I have a degree in psychology, didn't you?" I asked with a big smile and she said nothing. "You know Kelly I think your hilarious seriously your very amusing to me so....I'm gonna make you a promise." She looked at me skeptically. "Does that sound ok?" She nodded in agreement so I nodded as well. "I promise to you....that the next time you come anywhere near me or my girlfriend..I'm gonna kill you, ok?" The shorter girl slowly started to nod which made me laugh. "Great we have a deal." I reached my hand out to her for her to shake it.

She looked at my hand and shook her head. "SHAKE MY FUCKING HAND BEFORE I BREAK YOURS" I yelled and she quickly grabbed my hand and shook it repeatedly. "Ok that's enough get the get your hand the fuck off of me now." I smacked her dry ass hand away. "I won't see you anymore right?" She nodded. "I won't get any calls or texts from you right?" She nodded once again. "I won't ever have to waist my energy on your low life ass EVER AGAIN RIGHT?" She started nodding vigorously.

"GET THE FUCK OUT IF MY SIGHT KELLY!" I said lastly and she quickly scurried to the door and left as I sighed running my hands down my head because of my stress levels.

"Bey why are you yelling?"

I just got my new phone so I'm back y'all and don't forget to stream Do We Have A Problem tonight❤️

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