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On my way to Beyoncé house I stopped in an empty parking lot trying to get myself together before I got there so I could be prepared for whatever happens. Taking in slow deep breaths I closed my eyes and held onto the stirring wheel.

TW:Rape and Abuse
Flash Back
"You and your stupid fucking child can get the fuck out. All you do is complain, I do whatever the fuck I wanna you don't tell me what to do!" 10 year old Onika heard her father scream at her mother as she sat in the corner of her room trying to calm Roman who was furious. He wanted to go down stairs to Onikas father and punch him in the face but Onika knew that nothing good would come from it.

Nika let's go down there we can't just sit here and let him do this, what if he hurts mommy? Ok fine but we can't hit him. Onika told Roman referring to her father. She got up from the corner and Roman immediately took over in hopes that he would get to hit Robert. He stomped downstairs to where Robert and Carol were arguing and stood in front of Carol as an attempted to protect her. "Stop yelling at her your being mean!" Roman shouted and by the looks on her parents faces she could tell that they didn't recognize Roman's voice.

"Who the fuck do you think your talking to. You think just because you can yell with your little disobedient ass that you can change things, well you thought wrong because you just made things worse for yourself." He slurred practically spitting on Onika and by the smell of his breath Onika could tell the he had been drinking. She was then snatched by her arm and dragged towards the stairs by Robert as she tried to fight against his grip but he was evidently too strong.

"No, please stop Robert leave her alone she didn't mean it, hurt me instead please!" Carol begged as she followed him to where he was dragging Onika. There movement finally came to a stop as they stopped in front of Onika's bed room. "Go back downstairs Carol!" Robert yelled startling Carol. She obliged and walked at a burning paist down the stairway. After she disappeared in the distance he threw Onika onto her bed. She didn't understand what was going on so she sat there giving Robert a death glare as he closed and locked the door.

He started taking off his belt and Onika got prepared for the beating she was about to encounter but she soon came to realize that something else was gonna happen when Robert started to take off his pants. "What are you doing?" Onika sat confused. "I'm about to teach you a lesson about how your not supposed to disrespect me." He spat as he finally got his pants off Onika covered her eyes in thought that it was disgusting to look at her father naked but soon her hands were snatched away from her face and she was pinned down to the bed. "Let me go, let me go!" She scream as her father started ripping her clothes off starting with her pants.

Underneath her clothes she wore her favorite pair of rainbow panties and a training bra because unlike other 10 year olds she had already developed breast and a butt as well. Even though Robert had finished ripping her clothes she still continued to scream for her mother. Roman had already cowered out so Onika was the one screaming now and she had a deadly scream. "Please let me go, I'm sorry." She cried but it was no use because Robert ignored her. Things went Silent for a second until she felt something being shoved into her princess parts and a glass breaking scream flowed from her mouth like it had never before. "You liked that don't you." Her father smirked with a creepy laugh as he began to stroke in and out of her.

"Mama!! Mama!!" Onika screeched as she felt terrible sharp pains through her body

Flash Back Over

I sat there crying and breathing heavy trying to come to terms with how my life turned out. Why does god hate me so much? I thought to myself making myself cry harder. I looked over to the passenger seat to see my phone ringing so I picked it up not bothering to look at the contact name. "Hello?" I answered with a sniffle. "Hey um are you still coming?" Beyoncé's heavenly voice came from the call. "Uh yea sorry I lost track of time I'll be there in less then 20 minutes." I pressed my lips together trying to suppress my sniffles. "Are you ok?" She a questioned. "Yes I'm fine." I lied before letting out a small sigh.

"Ok see you when you get here." She hung up so I started my car.

As I got the cookies out of the oven I heard a knock on the door I skipped to the door hoping that it was Onika. "Hey you made it." I pulled her into a hug before inviting her in and leading her to the kitchen. "Your home is beautiful." She complimented. "Thank you, I did all of the decorations." I kind of tooted my own horn. "Cool, how long did it take?" She asked as she sat on a bar stool at the island counter in the kitchen. "Not too long but it took quite a while." I chuckled.

As I stood in front of her I took in her appearance. Her eyes were red and puffy and her nose was red like she had been crying. "Have you been crying?" I grabbed her face by her chin softly examining her face. "No..." she said as she tried not to look at me. "Talk to me what's wrong." I vocalized while rubbing her hair. "I really don't wanna talk about it." She whispered.

As soon she said that tears started streaming from her eyes and I wiped them constantly. Even though I didn't plan on our first hang out to be like this I didn't care as long as I made her feel better. "Are you sure you don't wanna talk about it, I have a great listening ear." I stated moving a strand of hair from her face to behind her ear. "I'm sure." She whispered again. "Ok. I'm sorry for medaling." I apologized and she gave a weak smile and I felt like that's all she could give at the moment and I wasn't complaining.

"Want a cookie?" I requested walking around the counter to the tray of cookies that had been out. "Yea." She replied softly so I got a cookie off the tray put it on a napkin and gave it to her. "Did you make theses from scratch?" She asked while chewing her cookie. "No I couldn't cook or bake to save my life. They were pre made I just put them in the oven." I told her and she started laughing. Her laugh was so cute, it was kinda weird but nonetheless cute and contagious.

As we shared a laugh she stopped abruptly and my eyes immediately darted at her. She was just starring  but at nothing in particular. I started to get worried because it was scary the way she was just sitting there and not blinking. "Onika?" I called for her but it's like she couldn't hear me. I was about to touch her when her eyes shut briskly. "Nika are y-." I started but I cut myself off when I seen her open her eyes again and they were light grey......They were just dark brown before.

"Hi my name is Nicole you must be Beyoncé."

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