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adjective ~ protected from and not in exposure to danger, risks or threats

I made my way over to the twins once again, smiling at them in greeting. Felicity turned to me and gave me a cute smile as she left the game they were playing.

"Is it time to go?" She wondered.

"Have you been checked over?" I asked, scanning her.

She nodded. "That lady did."

I chuckled at her eagerness to leave. I didn't blame her. She had seen and heard things no child should ever have. She was brave, braver than she realised.

"Listen up!" Phoenix boomed.

All of us fell into a silent hush and I turned to face him. He stood to the side, his bare chest tempting me in the moonlight.

"People who have been categorised please group up, one dot to my left, three dots to my right. Find a buddy and stick to them whilst we organise you onto the buses." He announced.

Women began to mutter as they huddled into their respective groups. I glanced down at Felicity's hand in mine to find one dot, and lead her over to them. I noticed it was the group of healthier women and was glad when I saw the twins follow. I couldn't wait to talk to them, to console them in private.

Once the groups had gathered Phoenix walked to the front and had a muttered conversation with one of the warriors. Lyra thankfully left my side to join them but I stayed beside Felicity.

"One dot group please follow Miss Johnson onto the first bus. Three dots please follow me. Find a seat, and get comfortable. It's going to be a long drive." Phoenix finalised.

We all began to move and I followed the crowd to the first bus. There were about fifteen women in this group compared to twenty-three or so in the other. I couldn't it make out clearly in the scurry of footsteps.

I helped Felicity into the bus and sat her down on one of the comfy-looking bus seats. I had to re-strap the belt as there were strange boxes all tied down. Her eyes were already dropping as I smoothed her hair down.

"On your chair, you shall find a box containing things to make you comfortable. A blanket and pillow, a drink, some savoury snacks and hot pads-you just crack them and they warm up." Lyra spoke softly. "Your seats do recline so I suggest leaving an aisle between each other. The drive is around four hours."

I heard the numerous sounds of excited chatter and rustling as the women began to shuffle through their items. Felicity's warm eyes stared up at the box in my hand in wonder and I gave her a gentle smile.

I unwrapped the gift, pulling out the snacks which she declined. I helped her recline her seat, thankful it wasn't stiff as my strength was nil to nothing. She cosied down with the neck pillow and I tucked the blanket around her. She gave me a sleepy smile as her eyes drifted and a content grumble rose in my chest at her safe comfort. Cel was as pleased as I was that she was safe and sound.

Once I deemed she was sorted I turned to see the other women doing the same. Small sighs of satisfaction filled the air and I smiled at the feeling of peace. We were getting out of here.

© ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 2021 © XDeafening_SilenceX on W a t t p a d

The bus rumbled to life, shaking the floor I stood on. The lights inside dimmed as the fans blew a gentle warm breeze. I gave Felicity a last glance before I made my way off of the bus, thanking the driver who was so happy to drive them to safety.

I climbed down the last of the steps to see Lyra waiting for me. A few of the warriors climbed on the bus after me, filling in some gaps to keep the numbers of us all spread. Lyra had brought about ten men with her and mixed with the mass of our pack they spread out well as support. Thankfully none were badly injured. I was grateful for that.

Lost LunaWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt