Tommy swallowed again. "And so... you guys... are going to kill him. I see. Okay."

Dream stared at Tommy uncertainly. "Okay?"

Tommy nodded. "Yeah. Okay. If it's for the academy."

"But are you sure? Are you in shock? He's your brother, you're allowed to have oppositions," Dream urged, confused by Tommy's reaction.

Tommy gave Dream a soft smile. "He's not my brother, Dream. You are."

Dream's face turned bright red, and Sapnap and George simultaneously awed.

"No really, Dream. It's true. You've acted more like a brother to me than he ever did, and if you think that this is what's best for the academy, then I'll treat this as a normal job and I'll do it myself," Tommy beamed.

Dream's face turned even brighter of a red, and Sapnap and George proceeded to 'aw' even louder.

"Awh is big brother Dream flustered?" George teased, and Dream tried to rub the red off his face.

"Okay, Tommy," he changed the subject. "Since you're not opposed to this, then we can move on from the first hard part to the second hard part."

"Which is...?" Tommy asked, with a slight smirk.

"Figuring out how exactly we're going to get into the kingdom without suspicion, let alone close enough to the King."

Tommy nodded before a realization dawned on him.

"I have an idea, and I know you aren't exactly going to like it Dream, bu-"

"Well that's that then, if you know I'm not going to like it then don't bother saying it," Dream dismissed, and Tommy slumped.

"Come on Dream, let the kid speak" George scolded, before turning to Tommy. "Go on?"

"Ah, well... you see. Long story short, and it's only an idea, and haha, lets just put it out there ya know..." Tommy stalled. "Whatifigobacktothecastleandattackemfromtheinside?"


"What if I, go back to the castle, and then, kill him, from the inside... trojan horse style?" Tommy swallowed, trying to assess the three people's faces.

Then all at once:



"You sure you can handle that?"

The three men stared each other down, before Dream glared at Sapnap. "You can't be serious, thinking this is a great idea, this is a terrible terrible idea and no child of mine is going to die."

Tommy rolled his eyes. "Dream I'm not going to die, I've done this before."

Dream stared at him skeptically. 

"You've snuck into your old neglectful house that's filled to the brim with guards to kill the king of an entire empire before?"

"No, but I have killed people before. Besides, I am so cool and epic that it will go so smoothly and perfectly."

"He's got a point," Sapnap chimed in.

"You can't be serious, you aren't serious, you're serious?" Dream asked, clearly going through the stages of grief.

"Very serious." Tommy nodded, giving him a salute. 

"And you think he can do this?" Dream turned to George, nervously.

"I mean, he trained under you so he probably could. Dream, the kingdom is barely 2 hours away by foot, if Tommy needs help then we could be there in 10 minutes if we take the helicopter. Not to mention this kid is seemingly indestructible." George glanced at Tommy's bad eye for a brief second. "And besides, if the King spent three years looking for Tommy, then I doubt he'd hurt him at all."

Dream slowly nodded, before turning to Tommy.

"...Okay fine. It's an in-and-out job right? Just kill him. Or swear him to secrecy. It might take a while for them to trust you, so I'll give you... a week. Seven days to do this, and if you can't figure this out in seven days or if you cut off communication with us for a long time, then we'll assume the worst and come help you. And if you ever chicken out, no one's going to judge you, and if anything goes wrong tell us immediately, and you know how to get here, and carry weapons on you at all times, and go over your acting skills and your weapon skills with Sapnap and George, and please please PLEASE, don't die on me. If you die on me I swear to god I will kill you."

To be fair, Tommy mentally checked out the moment he heard the words "Okay fine."

For some reason, this excited him, and he couldn't figure out if it was because he was going to see the castle again, or if he was going to get to kill his brother.

⊱⊱ ── {◆✧◦ Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ ◦✧◆} ── ⊰⊰

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