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This is a double update!!!

Natasha's P.O.V.

"What the fuck are you doing?" He questioned angrily as I saw his face get red with anger.

"I-uh, um-" I begin but am cut off by him dragging me into the same corner until my back hit the wall.

"How much of that did you hear?" He asked once again.

I go to speak yet again but am cut off with his palm hitting the wall behind me as I flinch.

"Fucking hell Natasha! I asked you how much you heard!" He yelled a little too loud.

"I'm not your fucking servant. Show me some fucking respect." I shoot back.

"Respect? Yeah, because you sure as hell respected me when you were spying on me!" He added scoffing.

"You didn't kill him." I say looking into his nervous eyes.

"I fucking knew it. And you know who sent him don't you? You know who he is." I continued.

"I don't fucking know shit alright. If you weren't so fucking nosy, last night probably wouldn't have happened and we wouldn't be having the conversation right now." He spits angrily.

"I'm so tired of your bullshit Harry. Can you stop playing the blame game for once in your fucking life and tell me what the fuck is going on? Why didn't you kill that man? Who was he? Who were you talking to-" I say but am cut off by his knuckles colliding with the wall in front of me.

"Just shut up! Just shut up-" he screams but is cut off by a voice behind him.

"Yo! Is there a problem here?" The man asks.

I had seen him before hanging out with Niall. He was one of Niall's friends'.

"I don't know, Harry, do we have a fucking problem?" I ask as I turn to Harry with his eyes on the both of us.

"No. Nope. Everything's fine, Zayn." Harry speaks as he runs his fingers through his hair and traces his mouth with his thumb and index finger.

"Natasha, you're okay?" He asks.

"Fucking hell mate! she's okay! let's fucking go!" He scolds Zayn as I see Harry storm off.

I give Zayn a small reassuring nod and see him give one back to me too as he chases Harry.

I had a lot of questions in my head that was all my head was full of. Who was he talking to? Why did he not kill that man? Did he know him?

I knew I probably wasn't getting any answers out of him and frankly I would rather drink bleach than converse with him any longer.

I really needed to find answers to my questions and knew better than to go to my dad and have him believe Harry. I had to find another way to find out answers. And now.

But how? And that's when it clicked.

I followed him. Let's start by trying and remembering what happened then.

I head back to my room and immediately start retracing my steps.

"Okay, first I was sitting on the ledge of the niagara falls." I sit on the floor imitating my action that day.

"Then I heard Harry, got on my motorcycle, and followed him. Okay. At least I remember some part of it." I thought trying to comfort myself.

I tried remembering where the fuck I followed him but then I realised that I took my motorcycle. I can easily track the route because of its technology. And without wasting another moment I was heading out the door, motorcycle keys in hand, slamming the door shut behind me.

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