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Natasha's P.O.V.

Flames engulfed my view as heat from them was released. Smoke clouded my vision as I tried to clear it with my hands, almost coughing a lung up.

There I saw that the car blew up to bits and pieces. Niall's car. 

At least it's not a scratch right?

I exchanged glances between Harry and my dad as I walked around the car to see the aftermath of the explosion. Somehow, only the car blew up and nothing else was damaged around it.

"Shit shit shit no this cannot be happening right now" I cry out.

"Are you alright?" my dad asks.

"I'm okay but Niall's car obviously isn't." 

"Okay. I'll take care of that. You and Harry head back to the hideout." my dad whispers.

Not with Harry. God no. But before I can protest my dads' heading to his car and Harry rolls his eyes motioning me to get in the car. 

"Well, do you want me to carry you now?" he asks sarcastically.

I rush to the passenger seat of his car and watch the back as Niall's car was now being doused by a fire extinguisher. Whatever was left of it anyway. 

"Niall's gonna kill me." I say putting my face in my hands. 

"Only because you chose to follow a man without defense."

"How is that my fault? If I hadn't followed him, I'd probably be blown to bits by that car!" I argue.

"Would've been fine by me." he answers shrugging.

"Yeah, I bet it would be. I could see that when you had no regret telling the man that he could kill me." I scoffed and looked out the window.

"If it makes you feel any better, I meant every word I said. I really don't care if you die, Benjamin." He shoots back.

"Great! because I don't care if you die either. Hell, I'll dance on your grave the day you die."

"Wonderful!" he screams and we both stop making eye contact. 

The rest of the car ride was spent in silence. Not a word from either of us. I was thankful that there was no talking because who knows how I would have reacted. 

We reach the hideout after a while and I immediately step out of the car, slamming the door behind me. 

"You know, you should say thank you!" I hear him scream from the back which makes me stop.

"Thank you?" I say turning back to face him as I stomped to him.

"Are you fucking serious right now? You saw that man almost kill me and you didn't do anything! You saw him hit me and you didn't do anything!"

"What was I supposed to do? Huh! get up and start hitting him with my bare hands?"

"You know what? Just forget it. It was my fault that I expected you to do something at least. Sorry for having expectations." I answer as I walk away.

I couldn't deal with Niall right now or my dad. If I went to Niall, he'd probably chop my head off and if I went to my dad, he'd also, probably chop my head off. So the safest option, was my bedroom. 

I walked in the hallway and headed to my room as I slammed the door shut behind me. 

My blood was boiling as I threw my t-shirt and pants onto the floor to change into something more comfortable. I decided it was best to sleep it off but somehow found myself thinking of Harry and what he said tonight.

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