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The Lucifers syndicate and the Devils Aces had been battling it out ever since Natasha could remember. They'd been at it neck to neck for power, money, and conquering the world.

However, it wasn't always like that. Before the leaders of the Lucifers Syndicate and the Devils Aces became sworn enemies, they were the best of friends. Apollo Ashford and Cassius Parker were inseparable. Until they weren't.

Apollo and Cassius grew up together in a foster home in Canada. Even though their caretaker was possibly the nicest person they had ever met, who supported them, loved them, cared for them but, they couldn't stop getting in trouble. Whether it was stealing candy from a store or stealing a car, they were always getting themselves involved in something or the other. With Apollo's charming personality and Cassius' slick hands, they were the best when working together. Both of them together, could conquer the world.

Even when they left the foster home, they did it together. They continued their petty crimes and earned money from selling possibly anything that was worth a good amount of money. They were both leaders and good ones at that. And hence, the Devils Syndicate was born. A gang name which terrified every man, woman and child that walked the streets of Ontario. 

The Devil's Syndicate was more than just a gang. It was a representation of Apollo's and Cassius's friendship. Their entire life was that gang. It gave a sense of belonging to the others that joined that gang as well, a place where they could feel like they were cared for and had family. They had one motto. Kill the filthy rich, and give to the poor. When things got hard though, Cassius started cutting corners, taking from the share of the poor, he made deals with the rich to get out of trouble with the authorities. His hunger for power and greed consumed him. 

 Their world's were turned upside down and they had to let go of each other. All the friendship, that brotherhood, ended in less than a minute. They  went from best friends, to brothers, to rivals. They swore, that they will stop at nothing to ruin the others' life. Not even if they die trying. 

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