
41 2 1

*highly suggest listening to this song while reading this chapter!


That's what I felt. 

Even though I was sweating like an actual pig, I have never felt more alive than I was feeling right now. I could feel my heart pounding in my chest like it was about to fall out of my fucking ass. 

As sexy as I felt, this his leather suit wasn't making shit easier. For a person who owns this big of a museum, you would figure they have a good air conditioning system, guess this guy didn't get the memo.

Gun in hand, I quietly paced through the white hallway. Every step I took made me even more anxious than I already was and could feel my heartbeat rise. Sweat drop by lets were forming on the top of my forehead but I tried my best to ignore them to focus on the mission. The mission.

 Yet again, a dumb man stole money from my father and here I am punishing him for it. When will these idiots learn? In addition, everything in here was so damn white. White walls, white flooring, the guy who owns this museum really needs a better interior designer, I thought to myself.

Before I could rant to myself some more, I heard some distant shuffling noises coming from a distant. Even though my gut feeling said not to, and shoot them there itself, I ran into the nearest room to at least try and hear some of the conversation they were having. I hid behind a shelf trying my best to camouflage between the cans of white paint. Luckily enough, the area was a little dark, which was quite astonishing, considering the colour theme the stupid man who owned this chose.

 "You should have seen her man, she was so fucking hot, all I wanted was for her to come home with me. My cock was rock solid" one of the two men said.

 God, some men can be weird as fuck. Just as the second guy began to respond, both of them dressed in, you guessed it, white shirts, white trousers and white shoes stopped dead in their tracks when they saw the rooms door I ran into, ajar.

Of course I left the door open— I'm such a fucking idiot.

As one man walked in and I shot him right in the middle of his eyes before he could pull any moves. Street fighting or throwing punches wasn't really my thing, after all guns were made by humans, why not put them to good use? I prefer bullets over punches. 

Just as I was reloading my gun, the other one scurried away. What a pussy. I decided I  didn't want to chase him, I knew at any moment he would be dead anyway. Besides, I wanted to wrap this shit up and take a nap, I was over this day already. Another nearby gunshot confirmed my suspicion.

I further made my way down the hallway, bopping my head to Back in Black by AC/DC. Music always helped me calm my nerves. I had a song for every moment in my life. Feeling badass, sad, happy, there was a song dedicated to each memory, each feeling I have ever felt in my life. At this moment, I was just bored.

This time I saw less of white and more of red. Blood was splattered along the walls and the white flooring. Bodies of different guards were lying everywhere with blood seeping out of their clothes. 

Finally, some fucking colour.

Pausing my music, I made my way towards the room where I saw him tied to a chair and dismissed my men out of the room. I can't believe I had put my vibing session on pause because an imbecile couldn't return some money. 

I walked right up to him and put my boot on his chest. My brown locks fell on in front of my eyes and I pushed them away using the barrel of the gun. I was having a bad hair day on top of all this, how wonderful.

"P-p-please, I swear, I wasn't running away with any money, I respect him a lot, I just got scared and needed more time" he said stuttering. 

"I believe you." I say to him and feel his nerves calm down a little. 

His breathing almost returned back to normal but before he could said anything else, I whispered some chilling words to him. 

"But my dad doesn't". I said those parting words as I shot  him in the chest, blood coating his white shirt making him look down at it in horror. 

He made eye contact with me one last time before falling lifeless in front of my eyes. That was my cue to leave.

I looked down at the horrifying building before lighting my matchstick on fire and flicking it at the entrance which was was already soaked with gasoline. My men worked fast. Even though the gasoline made me flare up my nostrils, there was something about it which I couldn't get enough of. I loved it. 

I walked away with the building going up in flames, hearing shrieks and cries for help from inside. I got on my motorcycle and rode away with anything but regret. I felt powerful. On top of the world.  Call me what you want but there was  a certain thrill I got from shooting people dead that made me feel invincible.

Resuming my music on my ipod, I started listening to Back in Black yet again. With the music blasting in my ears, I sang the words and moved my head to the beat. That song made me feel more like a savage than I already was. With the wind in my hair and not a care in the world, I sped faster on my motorcycle only to  hear two other motorcycles nearby catching up to me. 

I looked to my side and saw two bikes on either side with two men mounted of top of them. I increased my speed, knowing they'll catch up, this was not a new thing with them.

 I looked over at my left side not to see them anymore, which surprised me.  They never leave it at that... maybe they decided not to bother me today. That "surprise" was short lived when the bike on my right almost crashed into me, causing me to swerve and almost hit a tree.

 My bike crashed and I fell from it, tumbling down a hill. I expected hills to be soft because of the grass, but since this was a remote area, there was nothing but rocks and sand everywhere. Just my luck! 

"Ow"—fall "Ouch"—roll "That hurt"—fall  

"Fuck this" I say, Just to hear snickers and laughs, which soon enough, died down as they rode past me. I shouted a bunch of curse words at them from the bottom of the hill screaming and kicking, despite knowing they probably couldn't hear me.

I'm Natasha. Welcome to the shit show I call, my life.

A/N: hope you guys enjoyed the chapter! Let me know your thoughts in the comments! I'll be updating really soon!

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