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Niall's P.O.V.

As I dropped Natasha to her door, I could see that she felt much better, her irritable mood had vanished, the paleness in her skin dissappeared and her eyes lit up.

Nat. My best friend.

"Goodnight Nat." I say as I go to turn around so she can close her door but am stopped by her words.

"Niall." Natasha murmurs


"Thank you. For everything. It means more than I admit it does." she says in a soft tone.

"Sorry could you speak up I thought I heard a thank you?" I joke

"Yeah I said fuck you for waking me up to go see a goddamn tree." She replies rolling her eyes and laughing a bit.

"Goodnight Nat." I say smiling.

"Goodnight idiot." she responds.

I hear the door close behind me and make my way down the hallway.

I knew I couldn't sleep now, hell I couldn't sleep for the past 3 days but she always made me feel better. That was basically the reason I came to her door tonight, partly to comfort her and well, partly, to feel better.

I swing open the door to the grounds to finally breathe fresh air. These past few days and the events that followed had been eating me up inside.

Seeing Natasha hadn't been easy. Facing her, talking to her and laughing with her hadn't been easy.

Her struggles with her mom dying had been real bad lately and I knew she had resorted to drugs. I've known her since we were toddlers for fucks sake.

She broke the promise a while back and I well aware of that.

I guess I understood though, I hide things from her too.

I run my fingers through my hair letting out a deep breath and taking out a cigarette from my pocket. I press it between my lips, lighting it up and tucking the pack back into my jean pocket.

That's when I hear footsteps approach from behind me.

"You know, you and Benjamin would make a pretty good couple. Half of the gang already thinks you guys are fucking" he says in a cocky tone.

Harry was here. Wonderful.

"Shut the fuck up Harold, Nat and I will never be more than best friends." I say shaking my head and speaking through gritted teeth.

I had met Harry when he initially joined the Lucifers Syndicate. Sure, he can be a dick sometimes but we've known each other forever and Louis, Zayn, Liam and I are basically his only friends.

My chain of thought is broken when I feel a slap to the back of my head.

"Ow! Hey! what the fuck" I whisper-shout trying to be quiet.

"That's for calling me Harold, douchebag." he replies walking turning his back towards me as I stared into oblivion ahead.

"Do you think she'll find out?" I question, taking an inhale from my cigarette.

"If you do your job properly, then no." he states snarkily.

"Don't you feel bad or like guilty or something?" I ask and shrug.

"Nope. Couldn't give two flying fucks." Harry answers back forming his lips into a line, nodding his head as he pat my shoulder and headed back inside.

I let out a little chuckle knowing that's typical Harry.

"Don't piss yourself over it mate" he says as he walks back towards the dark hallway leaving me and my thoughts alone.

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