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Natasha's P.O.V.

Day of the heist.

I leapt out of my bed at 4 in the morning excited for what the new day would bring. Today was the day. The day I'd prove myself. To the committee, to my father. To my mother. Today was the day I made my mother proud.

Obviously making my mother proud was an entirely different concept in this gang than it is anywhere else. After all, she did lead this gang beside my father and was still the most caring, nurturing person ever.

I see the ring my dad gave me sitting on my vanity with the words "Eris" engraved on it. My mom did have a knack for greek mythology.

When I was younger, she would read me these wonderful stories about various Greek gods and goddesses. Her face would light up as she talked about their stories and wars, part of me believes she married my father because his name is Apollo.

I slipped on my black leather suit while also wearing my black thigh high boots, and instantly felt my confidence rise. I always felt confident in this suit. It made me feel powerful, yet graceful. Like I could do ballet while shooting six men in the middle of their eyes. You get the picture.

I stared at the ring a little longer contemplating whether I should take it with me or not. It sat there, shining, almost like it was giving me a sign to pick it up and take it with me. Against my better judgement, I put it on and headed out the door to the common area.

As I entered the common area I saw men scattered everywhere. Laughing, fighting, some were drinking, the usual. My presence was acknowledged by many, seeing as today was practically "my day", all eyes were on me.

I walked a little further to see Niall sitting with a couple of his friends, talking and laughing as he always is. Louis, Liam, and Zayn. His best friends. When he wasn't hanging out with me, he would be talking to them.

I would approach them but I don't want them leaving Niall just so he could talk to me. I want him to have his own life besides me. Can't say I don't feel a little left out though.

My train of thought is interrupted by a certain irish voice hollering.

"Hey! There's the star of the day!" he screams as he excuses himself from his friends and walks up to me.

"Star of the day? What is this? 3rd grade?" I answer as I roll my eyes teasing him.

"Oh shut up, you know you like being the centre of attention" He replies and chuckles.

"I mean, I'd be lying if I said that weren't true" laughing along with him.

He puts his arm around my neck and we start goofing around as usual. Time really seems to stop when I'm with Niall, he's my best friend and I honestly don't know where I'd be without him.

My admiration for him and our dancing is interrupted by me completely freezing in my spot.

That rage takes over me yet again and memories of last night come back to me.

/ "Do you know where Niall and I went after that?" I ask trying to piece tonight together.

"How many fucking questions do you ask?" He counters.

"Can you not be a fucking dick for one second and just answer the damn question." I reply harshly

Listen. I don't care what the fuck you do. I don't know where the fuck you and Niall went. More precisely, I didn't care what happened to you after you pulled that stunt at the bar. So if you're done with your interrogation, I would like you to fuck off and leave me alone." He responds and walks off. /

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