"And you want Connie?" She laughs condescendingly and I have to use every bit of patience in my body not to hurt her.

"Does it really matter? You've changed the rules of the original game. I'm going to do my own thing and you'll do yours." We each want a different outcome. She, for whatever twisted reason, wants to take Connie out and I want... well, I don't know what I want. But Lapis doesn't need to know that.

"I miss you, Steven. It's not the same."

"That doesn't work on me, Lapis. Remember?" I tap my temple and raise an eyebrow. Lapis knows what I'm talking about and she simpers immediately.

"I'm just worried for you. You're losing yourself. You're going to fall for her and forget all about me." She shuts the door and tries to pout but now I'm irritated.

"Who says I'm going to fall for her? And I'll always care about you. You know this," I reassure her. I sound like I'm on repeat, saying the same thing to her over and over again. I've said the same words so many times, they're starting to mean nothing.

'They already do.' I tell myself coldly

"No, you don't understand!" Her eyes turn watery and she flushes.

"Calm down, Lapis. You're going to attract attention. Or break something."

"Men always fall for her! She's just a weak little girl with no backbone! Ever since Ronaldo raped and beat her she's been weak! Her father and grandmother believe in her out of necessity. The one sister is too independent to want to take over the company, she has prospects. And Rose is too much of a fucking mess to take over. Eventually, Doug and Granny will realize that no one in the family is suited to run the business and they'll start looking for an outsider."

"And you think they'll just hand over the company rights? To you? Lapis why don't you focus on something more... your style? Like a beauty spa?"

Outside of my office, I hear rumbling and a loud popping noise, followed by gushing of water. I'll have maintenance come and dry clean that spot later. "This is what matters to me. Crystal Clear. Nothing else. That they continue to practice such blatant nepotism when those three girls are all getting worse by the day is beyond me. I've worked just as hard as Kevin has. Just as hard as you have, and I started earlier! I helped YOU get this job...!"

I zone out and wake my computer screen, smiling when I see that I have a new email. From Connie. I tune out Lapis as she continues her diatribe and read it.

Dear Steven,

I've been meaning to email you all morning but got a little busy with some meetings. However, I would like to continue our talk on a less monitored platform. So here's my cell number: (417)-749-7399. If you could send me yours, it would make things much easier in regard to the project.

I'm looking forward to our lunch meeting. I know you'll show me plenty of new ideas that will keep me simply begging for more.



"... and I'm not going to bother giving you any more details because you'll just end up jealous. You're an asshole when you're jealous, and you've been an asshole since I started playing with Johnson."

I return my eyes to Lapis as she finishes her rant. I want to try to recall what she was saying, but I'm too aroused. My eyes are pink, I can tell from the way Lapis blushes at me. But I'm not even remotely interested in indulging her right now. Connie is so prim and proper. I can't wait to make her beg for me.

Lapis' expression changes, though, as if she wants to smack me across the face. "You're not even paying attention. Too wrapped up in thoughts of what? Fucking around with Connie? I'm sure she'll be delightful." Lapis leans in closer and snarls at me. "You're playing with fire, My Diamond. And you're going to get shattered if you don't stay focused and on the ball. And this time, I won't be there to put the pieces back together."

I almost feel bad for her, because all I can think of is the way Connie signs off her emails. I like the use of "yours." It's cute and perhaps even a submissive gesture. As if she really wants to be mine. I'm probably reading too much into it, but the word choice is sexy as fuck, even if she didn't mean it to be that way. I have a hard-on just thinking about it.

"Oh, I'm one hundred percent focused," I tell her assuredly. On Connie, most definitely. On whatever crap Lapis is feeding me? Not at all. "And DON'T call me that, Lazulli. You may have saved me but remember I'm your superior. At work, at home and on Homeworld. You're under me." She blinks at me in shock and her eyes tear up a little. I know she's faking but I don't want to risk her fake crying in my office. I'm lucky the floor is mostly empty as everyone is at a conference. I grab her hand and choke out another lie. "I'm still focused. I promise."

"Just not on me." She gives me another pout, but I don't even blink an eye. It means nothing anyway. She's just trying to get under my skin.

"You have Kevin to distract you," I tell her. "You don't need me. Enjoy him these next few days. Fuck his brains out and then drill him for information. He'll give in to you while in that post-orgasmic glow. I know how you operate, water succubus."

She smiles at me, the very picture of peaceful and serene. What a pack of lies. Inside that devious head of hers she's trying to come up with a new way to fuck everyone over. Including me. "I could have the best of both worlds if you weren't so jealous."

"Sorry, not going to let you touch me after you just had your hands all over Jonhson's dick." A man can only tolerate so much. Even a half man.

"You piece of shit." Lapis stands to her full height, snarling at me. "The minute another man shows a hint of interest, you're casting me off. It's funny that you can manage to kill hundreds of our kind, but you can't stand the idea of sharing. You Diamonds are just the same as the rest of us, and your human side doesn't give you any excuse. Learn to live with it, darling. I'm fucking Kevin Johnson."

"As if I didn't know. Well, learn to live with this, Lapis. I'm fucking Connie Mahaswaren." I give her a smirk and sit back in my desk.

"In your dreams," she returns.

"It's going to happen."

"You sure? Kevin told me she's so bland and proper in bed. I know how you like it, Steven. She's a closed off little ice queen."

More like he's an awful, selfish asshole who didn't know how to meet Connie's needs. "I'll find out if that's true or not on my own terms, thank you very much."

"God." She's leaving. Thank Christ. "You don't listen to me. Fine, have fun fucking around with your little boring baby. Can't wait to see how she puts the spark in your eyes while I'm off getting fucked like crazy every chance I can get."

I ignore what she said, which I know will drive her crazier than if I acknowledged it and continued the fight. "We'll talk later," I say to her as she leaves and she gives me the finger before flouncing out the door.

"Maybe I never want to talk to you again!" Lapis calls from the hallway.

I rub my hand over my jaw, hoping like hell not too many of the leftover people heard that send-off. Not that we haven't argued like this before around the halls of Crystal Clear, but it's been a while. I take my job seriously. I'm trying to look like I can keep this together. Like I'm worthy of that position-or one similar-just like Johnson is. The only reason that asshole got the offer was for being involved with Connie. It gave him the in to old man Mahaswaren. The in that I deserve to have.

Well. He isn't with Connie any longer. And I'm about to be. Secretly, but still. Soon we'll be out in the open. Soon I can cozy up to Doug Mahaswaren. Soon, he'll really see what an asset I am to the company. He'll encourage Connie to stay with me. That's what I want.

And Diamonds always get what they want.

HA YOU THOUGHTTTTTTT!!! Keep reading~! Love you, Juanifans.







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