fallen tears

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Once the tears started I couldn't  get them to stop. Andrew was saying something to me but I couldn't here over the voices in my head telling me how worthless I am.  I felt myself being pulled into Andrews chest as he hugged me while I cried. I couldn't believe what had happened. How could someone shame on me just because of how I look. She doesn't even know me and yet she is so quick to judge. I have tried so hard my whole life to lose weight and every time it fails. I don't know what I am supposed to do. I really wanted Andrew's parents to like me, and yet one of them already hates me. What will happen to our relationship. "It's Okay doll just let it all out" I hear Andrew say. " I don't care what she thinks about you, I love you and nothing can change that." I look up in shock. We hadn't said I love you before. Tears filled my eyes once more but this time they were happy. "I love you yoo." I tell him and he leans into me pulling me into the sweetest kiss we have ever shared. When he holds me in his arms,  I believe everything will be just fine.

I know it has been forever, but I got really caught up in school. I will try to update more and would appreciate if you share my story with your friends. If you like this feel free to recommend it and if you haven't advice please comment and tell me what could be improved. Remember to love yourself. ❤

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