Chapter 21

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[ Final ]

The moon has again shows up in the sky... Just a piece...

Han let his ears & tail out... Sitting beside Jun, leaning head on his shoulder...

Jun's arm wrapped around his shoulder...

"Thanks, Jun..." Han speaks up suddenly.

"Why?" Jun peeks at Han...

Sitting straight, "For taking me in that night. For letting me stay with you. For make me love you, for loving me back. Forgiving me a new family. For everything. Thank you."

For an unknown reason, Jun's heart cringes, "Why are you suddenly thanking me?"

Smiling, "No particular reason. Just wanted to thank you."

Jun leans closer & hugs Han, "Don't ever thank me like this... There is no need of 'thank you' & 'sorry' between us..."

Hugging back, "Ok... I won't..."


Three days later, Jun hasn't come back from the office yet... Sitting on the couch Han kept waiting for Jun, moving his tail...

Feeling bored, he turned on the television...

And his face turned pale after hearing the news... The lunar eclipse is gonna appear on this full moon after 28 years...
Isn't it early?

The doorbell rang... Han immediately turned off the television and opened the door... Having the usual smile on his face...

"Today I had to work overtime... The current clients are too strict..." Han took off the coat from Jun's body... And just hummed...

Han tried his best to hide his painful expression inside, he is gonna leave soon.

At night, when they laid on the bed together. Han's head over Jun's chest...



"Will you- will you miss me if I am gone?" Han asks.

Jun caresses his back, "Why would you leave me? There is no way I am gonna let you go..."

It's been almost two years since they are together. Jun has forgotten about the lunar eclipse...

Han sighs, brushing his nose on Jun's neck, "I am sorry Jun..." He mumbles.

Jun didn't hear that. He was already asleep...

The next few days, Jun noticed Han always wants to stay closer to him. Even when Jun is at his workplace, Han several times comes to visit him...

Jun didn't feel bothered or anything... He just suspects Han's this behaviour... Han had never acted like this...

It's evening, He is at his office, but unable to focus on his work... This morning Han's glassy eyes just get repeated in his mind...

Suddenly he felt a hand on his shoulder, bending his back, he looked back... "Youming gé?"

He had a sympathetic expression, "It must be hard for you..."

Jun confusedly frowned, "What?"

Youming takes off his hands, "What the fuck! Don't tell me you forgot!"

"What are you talking about? I can't understand..."

Your mind slapped behind his head, "You idiot! You kitten! He is gonna vanish from the earth tonight... When the lunar eclipse will begin..."

Jun's eyes widen with shock... Then he gets the flashback of that night when Han explains everything about him...

Jun had no time to waste... He immediately headed to his apartment...

He pressed the calling bells, the door opened...

Han's eyes, nose, cheeks were all red from crying...

Jun hugs him tightly, "Why didn't you tell me!? Were you thinking to left without saying anything!!! How can you do that to me!?"

Han sniffs, "I didn't want to hurt you..." He mumbles...

Jun breaks the hug & cupped Han's cheeks... Tear falling from his eyes, "Is there no way? Can you not leave? Please stay... Don't leave me... I want you here, beside me until I die... How would I live alone... Han han... Please... Don't go..."

Han gripped his wrist, smiled while tears still flowing down, "Jun... Make a last wish... Before I leave this earth, I can fulfil your one wish..."

"I don't want any wish... Just stay here... Don't leave me... Please..."

Han takes Jun's hand in his, "Jun... Please make a wish..."

Jun looks at Han's eyes... And kept quiet... His eyes telling him to stay...

Suddenly, Han's bright blur eyes shine...
The cold breeze was coming through the opened window...

The sun has started to block the moon...

Meanwhile, Han has started to get blur in front of Jun's eyes... Jun hugs him tightly as stronger as he can but that doesn't work...

Han slowly vanished from between Jun's arms...

It feels empty... So cold... Jun sat on the floor with empty arms... Crying harder than before...

He lost him... His love of life also left him alone...


Jun can't remember how he ended up sleeping just there, where he was holding Han into his arms for the last time...

Looking through the window, the sun hasn't raised again... It's the last moment of the night...

The full moon is shining brightly... Just like that night when Han first came to his place...

With a heavy heart, he lowered his gaze, tear flowing down...


Suddenly Jun heard a familiar sound... Is it Zhehan? He didn't leave me?

Jun looks up in front of...

A kitten was right in front of him, and this is none but Zhehan (in kitten form)... The kitten from the moon...

[ The End ]


Author's note:

Well, this is the end.
For my first fanfic on this account, I made a normal & cute one...
I hope you liked it the way it is...

Thank you for staying with me until the end...


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