Chapter 10

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Getting into his apartment, Jun closed the door.

Hearing the door closing sound, Han looked back at Jun. He smiled seeing Jun, but he also noticed Jun's expression is different. He usually doesn't look like this...

Without glancing at Han for even once, Jun headed inside his bedroom.
He gets fresh & changes into an informal dress.

Then leaning back on the bed, he started to check some random files.

Han has also changed into informal dresses... He kept walking in & out of Jun's room... Trying to get his attention... But that doesn't work...

Han wonder, why his master is suddenly behaving differently?

He gathered some courage & approached closer to Jun, "Master... Y-"

"Weren't you feeling sleepy on the way? You should sleep now..." Jun cuts Han's sentence in the beginning.

Lowering head, "Are you ok... Master?" He utters.

Jun closed the file of his hand & placed them down. Glancing at Han, "What made you ask that?"

Han glanced back at Jun, "You... Are not quite... Usually... So... I... Thought... You... Are... Not... Ok..."

Jun chuckles a little seeing Han's hesitation while talking, getting down from the bed. He pats Han's head, "I am ok... Just sad..."

Han felt comfortable under Jun's touch, "What made you sad master?"

Taking away his hand, "Just a bad thing happened... someone left me, whom I wanted to be with..."
He sighs.

Han holds Jun's hand, a comforting touch "You know master, Grandma said Bad things do happen. We can choose to sit in perpetual sadness, immobilized by the gravity of our loss.
Or, we can choose to rise from the pain and treasure the most precious gift we have..."

Jun kept staring at Han's eyes without uttering any word.

He laughed a little, "Do you even know the meaning of what she said?"

Han blushed a little, leaving his hand, "I don't understand... But I understand one thing... We should not be sad when any bad thing happens to us... We should rise from it..."

Jun smiled, "You understood the meaning perfectly... And I won't be sad anymore..." Sitting on the bed, "Now come & sleep... Weren't you sleepy?"

Han nods happily & went to the bedside which was reserved for him... Laying over the bed, within few minutes he sleeps away...

After Han sleeps away, Jun bushes his hair softly, "Treasure the most precious gift I have... But I think... I don't have to treasure it anymore..." Jun mumbles to sleeping Han.


The next morning, Jun woke up before Han. He prepared breakfast for them & gets dressed for work.

Later Han woke up & join him in the breakfast...

Before leaving for work, Jun told Han to stay inside the apartment & if he feels necessary he can call him using the landline. He taught him how to call. He has also made lunch for Han & kept them inside the freezer. And Han can eat them directly from the freeze, no necessary to heat them...

With this, Jun left the apartment... In the office, he worked flawlessly... And the best thing that happened was he got a promotion... After much hard work, he gets what he deserves...

Meanwhile, Han was feeling so alone... He sometimes watches out through the window, watches television, stares at the kitchen, drinks milk, eats snacks... But everything feels so boring... Also, he started to feel anxious... Indoor single pet cats attached to their owner feels anxious when the owner is not around... The same happened to Han...

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