Chapter 6

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   It was another peaceful day for heeseung,that is for a while, at noon there was an emergency from one of the royal dove stating that the front barriers of the ogre forest were cracked, it was only a moment before the ogre's destroyed it and head towards the town...when the royal councillor's heard this they were panicked, nikki quickly flew out and passed the message to the king..Meanwhile the councillor's were discussing..

"When did this cracked happened?" jake asked the royal dove , "i don't exactly know when but it must be around this morning from what i heard from the witnesses", "and how big is the crack? how long will it be able to hold?" jungwon now asked , "big enough for a baby ogre to fit! i cant be sure on how long it will be able to hold depending on the numbers of ogre who will try to destroy it"
as they were discussing the King entered the chamber "we must leave right away!" he commands , everyone agrees and head out of the castle , but heeseung was a bit lost and went to jake asking "where is brother sunghoon? i havent seen him all day?" ...Jake answers "brother sunghoon? he went away last night to check on the elf's situation"..heeseung nodded and follows the rest out of the castle..

    Jay, jungwon and heeseung rode a pegasus while the rest flew on their own...after flying a while  they spotted the barrier, unfortunately the barrier was damaged enough to let medium sized ogre's out, it was a disaster ,they could see three ogres roaming around the outside of the barrier, then jay gave an order "round those three in the middle and tie them up before they go further !!" and they all moved right away...

     Jake and nikki went to the west side and jay and jungwon in the east leaving heeseung in the south with sunoo...They struggled for a while and used all different kinds of means to chase them and vice-versa...After they tied them up they brought them back inside the forest and sealed the barrier.. " your majesty i believe we should check the barrier from all sides to prevent any further damage!" heeseung speaks up before they left, jay turns around from his flying pegasus , "hmm~i think you're right!" | "we should send those gnomes here for a 2 night watch!" sunoo said , they all agreed on the opinion , "we should head back and gather all the gnomes in the castle!" Jay suggest , "but in the meantime we will need a watcher here for precaution!" he said and after a few seconds of silence , heeseung volunteered "i will stay here for the night! my lord!" he said making them all surprised , "are you sure you will be alright, you're new to the kingdom" jay said and heeseung smiles reasurring "the more of the reason for me to get familiar with the place" and jay smiles back in heeseung's enthusiasm , they all agreed and went back to the palace leaving heeseung..

    When they got back to the palace , sunghoon greeted them back and asked about the situation , "what? brother heeseung is going to stay there for the night?" he asked shocked at jake's information, "that's what i said! now if you will excuse me i have to search for those gnomes" he left sunghoon who was in a daze....he was dissapointed at the thought of not being able to see heeseung , he wanted to leave the castle right away and visit heeseung but he still have to check on every wolf packs hunting record in the kingdom and that takes for hours to finish, he decided to work quickly and visit heeseung...

    Meanwhile heeseung was roaming around the outer barrier of the ogre forest, as he took a stroll he felt quiet familiar with the nature there as if he had been there before, he stops for a second and close his eyes inhaling the air of the forest, after a few minutes he remebers and opened his eyes in alert, it was where he and jake first met, the place that had jake's hideout, he remebers jake saying the warewolves and other beast often enters the forest for hunting, now he was more alert then ever in case any predator appears...

       As the night deepens , heeseung got a bit tired and drowsy waiting for the gnomes to come, he sat down under a tree across the barrier and he beagn to get drowsy ... his eye's started feeling heavy and were dropping down slowly, he was now asleep...Right then the same pack of wolves who were chasing him before were surrounding heeseung from all over the bushes getting ready to attack at any time....

      Sunghoon was almost done with his work and he visits the last pack of wolves...when he enter their shelter it was empty, he walks around and saw a cat shadow at the front yard of the shelter , he looks up at the roof and called the sleeping black cat "pardon me but have you seen the residence of this shelter?" the cat wakes up from his sleep and answers.."oh! its the royal vampire! what a surprise! if your'e looking for those despicable wolves, i heard they went for hunting in the 'violet forest'" , sunghoon thanked the cat for his information and was about to leave when he stopped at his trail and remebers "wait! voilet forest? that's just across the ogre forest and where brother heeseung is! oh no!!" he quickly changed into a bat and flew like a wind, he was never this fast and nervous before...

     After not long he reached the forest , looking around from above searching the phoenix, as he was looking for him, he heard a powerful and loud screech from the north east with a bright sparking of lightning strike in a certain place and the powerful atmosphere spread like wildfire around the forest in the blink of time..As soon as sunghoon witnessed it , he quickly went to the place and saw the most beautiful and glorious creature ever, heeseung was completely transformed in his true form the phoenix ... his full body was burning with the most powerful yet enchanting fire, his wings was sharp and elegant with the speactacular beauty of his elongated tail ~ his aura was stronger than ever...The wolves bowed before the bird ◆ Then the phoenix makes a loud scream which made the wolves ran away in fear, when there were no traces of them anymore he quickly transforms back into his human form and drops at the floor with blood on his stomach....Sunghoon rushed down at the sight of heeseung and holds him "brother hee! are you ok?"


make sure to watch the video up there for better understanding of this story's vibe ; )

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