LD: Did they guy just ask you out?

B: I know right, what should I say? I'm kidding, I'm kidding!

LD: 😈

   After Brianna collected herself in the bathroom, she made her way back to the table.  "There you are, I thought I was going to have to come get you, have you agreed to meet me for dinner."  Brianna took a deep breathe.  "No, actually I have a boyfriend."  Evan was shocked.  "Really, even with a husband, and children on the way?"  Brianna nodded.  "Yep, and he is an amazing man.  You can continue to eat here if you like, but it was great seeing you and Congratulations again!"  Evan rolled his eyes and stood up.  "Yeah you too."  Evan took his leave and Brianna went back to looking up baby things.  She started sending pictures to Diavolo about things they could get for the babies.  He sent thumbs up or thumbs down emojis back and she made a quick list.  Once Brianna was done eating and threw her things away, she just headed back home.  But first she wanted to stop by the baby stores to look around.  So she made her way to Children's Place, and once inside she was amazed at all the baby clothes from birth all the way up to 10 years of age.  She took a picture of the baby girl section and sent it to Diavolo.  He texted back.

LD:  Wow!  Looks like we need a lot of clothes for them.  When I come back we are going shopping.

   She picked up two onesies and the sales associate came to greet her.  "Hello, have you shopped here before?"  Brianna shook her head.  "Okay, well we have clothes from newborn to 10 years of age.  This is our boy section over here and our girl section too, we even have gender neutral clothes too.  We also have a rewards program where you get cash back, that turns into a dollar amount off of the next purchases.  We can sign you up for that.  Do you have a due date?"  Brianna signed up for it, because she's having twins and will need a ton of clothes for the years to come.  Once she got her free card, she was offered a credit card, but turned it down.  "Maybe next time, but not now.  I would like to purchase these two though."  And she handed the sales associate two girl onesies.  As she headed back home, she felt much better about being pregnant now, although her situation has changed, she was ready to be a parent and raise two girls with...Diavolo.

   Once Brianna got home she tried to call Leslie again and like before it kept going to voice mail.  Brianna started worrying, it was strange not knowing where her friend went.  So she tried to look up her IMDb, and see what's going on with her latest projects and what she found shocked her. The movie she was working on in Tokyo, was cancelled.  "That's strange, she was so excited about that movie.  It was probably due to her grandmother dying.  Get well Leslie."  And she exited from that site to see she had emails she hasn't check on.  Once she logged in and saw she has 359 unread emails, she just wanted to select all and delete, but she didn't because as most were scam emails, some emails were job related too.  As Brianna started scrolling and deleting and read a emails or two until she got to one from Leslie marked three days ago.

I guess you are having a great time?  That man must be putting it down girl, because you haven't answered you phone in a while.  I miss my friend.  I miss my best friend. 

Come back to me! 

I need you! 

Don't leave me for him! 

Only I can make you truly happy, I knew you always liked him. 

But think of me, while you're doing him Seneca!


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