One sided love

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   ~Back in the Celestial World centuries ago~

   Haven was born thousands of years ago and from day one, he was labeled a nightmare to all angels.  He would prank angels and cause chaos, giving him the name Avatar of Havoc, which got him in trouble a lot with Michael and Lucifer.  Haven's job was Celestial guard where he worked under Beelzebub.  "THIS IS SO BORING!!  NOTHING EVER HAPPENS, HEY WHY DON'T WE START A WAR WITH THE HUMANS!?"  Beelzebub quickly snatched him up.  "Absolutely not, if we did that, we could cause trouble for all the worlds.  Why can't you learn to behave yourself.  Just because you cause chaos everywhere, doesn't mean you have too."  He dropped him on his butt and walked towards his post.  "I hate it here.  I just want to become a demon and get rid of everyone here."  One day while on guard duty, the brightest light appeared across the Celestial sky. No one has shined a light this bright since Lucifer was born. "What the cosmos?"  He left his post and ran to see what was happening.  "Oh! She so beautiful!  Such lovely goldren hair." One angel says. "Yes, she will make a fine angel for Michael." Said another. "Oh dear, one blue eye, and other green.  Oh no.  This isn't good." An angel guardian said. "Which one does she classify as?" The guardian continued. "Manipulation.  She is one of the misfits like that Haven."  They stated.  "Let's keep and eye on this one, maybe she isn't as bad as that one."  So with the title Manipulation, she had to prove them wrong.

   As time gone on, that angel now named Seneca, was a sweet, gentle, and kind hearted angel to all and one of the fastest flyers a guaranteed delivery angel.  She was loved by everyone, and she loved everyone!  One day while playing with Lilith, Haven threw cloud dust on them that got everywhere.  "Ugh!  You stupid angel!"  Lilith yelled.  "No wonder no one likes you, Haven!"  And she stormed off.  Seneca looked at him as he tried to run away.  Seneca stretched out her wings and caught up to him in a matter of seconds.  "Wow, you are fast!"  He said as she toppled him.  "Why did you do that?"  Seneca asked.  "Because I wanted to talk to you.  And now you are alone.  Hi, I'm Haven, Avatar of Havoc."  He stretched out his hand.  Reluctant Seneca reached and shook it.  "Seneca."  "That's a beautiful name.  What's wrong with your eyes? They are two different colors."  "I was born that way, given the title Avatar of Manipulation.  Haven?  Are you the trouble maker everyone complains about?"  Haven smiled when she said manipulation. "Yes, only because it's so boring being here.  I want to become a demon.  They have so much fun."  Seneca looked at him.  "Why, don't you have someone who cares about you?"  Haven looked down, and shook his head.  "No, nobody likes me."  She felt sorry for him, but also it broke her heart hearing him say that.  "Well, would you like to be friends?"  Haven's eyes widened, his heart fluttered a little, he never felt this before, someone wants to be around him. Since that day, he fell in love with his friend.  As the days went on where ever Seneca was Haven wasn't too far behind.  They always played together, which made the other angels jealous but also things were peaceful.  With Seneca around Haven wreaked less havoc on the others, but being around Haven she also pulled into schemes and then they got into trouble something she have never done before.  They would often follow other angels around and watch what they did.  Haven would admire Seneca as she would find everything exciting.  And at night when they slept, he would always go over to Seneca's room to stay with her, because being at his place, nobody cared if he was there or not. 

   Everyday while Seneca and Haven walked around exploring other areas in Celestial, they noticed how Lucifer would leave, fully armored, and go to the Devildom, to meet with the future king. They would watch as the two interacted with each other, an angel and a demon, over time Seneca found him, the future demon king, quiet handsome.  They would wait for his return, and Haven would question him about what Devildom was like, while Seneca just listened. "Well since you two are so nosy, Lord Diavolo isn't as bad as he seems. For a demon he's actually nice." Then he looked at Seneca who was blushing with a smile on her face, Lucifer walked towards her and whispered. "Tsk tsk tsk, I wonder what Michael would say if he knew you had a crush on someone who wasn't him?"  Seneca jumped in defense.  "No, p-please don't, I-I do not have..". Lucifer laughed as she stammered her words.  "Relax, I was joking.  Please he already has enough, you should probably introduce yourself to him.  Wouldn't hurt just to say hi."  He turned and walked towards the royal palace.  "Alright you two, behave yourselves."  They continued to watch as Lucifer left again and again, and Seneca would follow and watch from afar, admiring Lord Diavolo.  Until one day Haven had, had enough.

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