Decisions, decisions

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   While looking around the apartment, I see all this open space, I can add a chaise here, some vases there, Ooo, maybe a pool table! (nope on pool table idea.). I check my emails to see if any teaching positions have opened up and notice a email from my best friend Leslie.

I am so sorry about you and Tony. I wish I was there but I'm in TOKYO!! Yes I got a movie shoot today and I will be here for a few weeks too! Also I've started dating someone and I think it's serious! Her names Whitney, and I would love for you two to meet. Call me when you are free. I love you!

I respond.

I'm so happy for you girl!!!! I can't wait to meet Whiney too. I wish I was in Tokyo with you, better than being here. Spill the tea, what's that name of your movie and who are you co-starring with???? Leave no details spared! Talk to you later. Tokyo huh?

   I check my emails again after responding to Leslie, and I don't see many openings for teachers in my hometown. (I wouldn't mind moving). I do see something about flights though, flights from Florida to Tokyo, oh no, how about cheaper seats maybe. It's been three weeks now since Tony moved out, and I start freeing mysel. I check the teachers board everyday, and find a opening to online schooling. (It's something). I applied immediately. I decided to go out and get some food. As I leave for the store I get a call from my brother Patrick.
   "Hey, sis. Sorry about you and Tony, that complete asshole."  "Thanks Pat, good thing you are not here, you would kick his ass." (Military). "Hey, I can be there when ever, to handle business.  He disrespected you and it was put online, he lucky I'm not there now."  I paused.  "What? It was online?"  "No?". Patrick responded. I can't believe this, my heartbreak viewed buy thousands. (Really, only thousands).  "I didn't know this was online!"  "Well at least you look great."  (Uh oh!).  A video of me keying his car, I hope he didn't see that one.  "But, you keying his car, that's my favorite!"  (And that one got over 150 thousand views.)  "Looking back on that day, I should have smashed his headlights."  I said, sadly.  "I disagree, those can be easily be replaced, but a key to paint, you just can't easily buffed out.  I know trust me."  "Okay, when are you coming home?"  He pauses.  "Next month actually, but I will be busy.  Hey I got to go, I love you and it will get better.  I know your working hard but I'll send you some money.  Bye."  "Pat?, No! don't-". ~click~  Shoot he hung up.


   "Lord Diavolo, will you be joining us for the student council meeting today?"  Lucifer asks.  "No, I will be headed to the human world to check on our hotel, the grand opening was last week and I'm making sure that everything's still above standard."  Diavolo said before he left the RAD.  "I trust you will conduct the meeting as usual like I was there.  I shall return later on today."  (I wonder if he still thinks of that person in the profile?  I notice his mind wonders off?  Who was that person?  Why couldn't I find the profile anywhere?).  Diavolo and Barbatos both take off to the human world.  They take a look around the property, see the guest, look at reviews, see if any complaints, so far positive reviews. Hotel Corvo opened last week to celebrities, singers, and even politicians, by invitation only.  They will open to the public later.  (My friend Leslie was invited.)

   "This is a lovely city, I would like to look around, care to join Barbatos."  Diavolo asks.  "Unfortunately sir, I don't have time and neither do you.  We came to work and then back to Devildom."  Diavolo signs.  "You're right.  Let's finish here and leave."  Diavolo watches all the people coming and going in the hotel.  He even notices that some of the guests brought their families too.  (That's nice, children.  I wonder if Brianna wants children?). "What?" He stops himself.  "Yes sir, did you say something".  "Uh no, no I was just thinking out loud, Barbatos."  They get into the elevator, up to the penthouse suite, and return back to Devildom. 

   Diavolo goes to his office to get the transcript of today's meeting.  While looking over it he see's that the exchange student is having a little difficulty with her studies.  He texts Lucifer about possible learning options for her.  As he began to work on the other things going on in Devildom, he pulls out the photo of Brianna, from his desk drawer.  (Why can't I stop thinking about you?  Am I falling in love or could it be that you remind me of someone else?).

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