RAD Part 2

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   "Wow, look at the thrones!"  Brianna said as they walked into a large room waiting on everyone else.  "You can have a seat here and when everyone arrive we will be all set to start."  One by one Lucifer and his brothers walk in the room, and so did the exchange student, Mahogany.  They all sat around the table discussing upcoming events, grades and testing.  Brianna watches how Diavolo conducted business, until someone asks a question.  "Lord Diavolo, I'm sorry to interrupt but who is this second human?"  They said.  Diavolo looked over at Brianna.  "Oh, my apologies some of you haven't met my girlfriend.  Mammon, Satan, and Leviathan this is Brianna."  Brianna stood up and curtsy to them and sat back in her chair.  "Hello, nice to meet you too."  They were shocked.  "Girlfriend?  A normie?  Really?"  Said Leviathan as he pulled out the game console from his pocket.  The meeting continued for about another 30 minutes.  "We will have a play performance hosted by our drama department, and we will need see what the budget for this will be, Satan, would you be able to get that information for me?"  Diavolo asks Satan, who gave him the thumbs up.  "Excellent, it looks like the meeting is adjourned for today.  Have a good night everyone."  As everyone was leaving, Brianna got a little nervous about starting the next day.  "Lucifer, what classes are open for Brianna to start tomorrow?  I need for you to look into that for me, please?"  Lucifer nods his head.  "I think we have room for her to join in with Mahogany.  Maybe they can study together, and Satan can tutor them as well."  He responds.  "Why am I getting stuck with some more humans, we already have two."  Brianna got defensive.  "It's completely okay.  I can do this and if I need help I can ask the teachers.  It's okay, I can manage fine."

Now that the day has ended they made it back to the castle, Diavolo needed to go to his study. "I will be in my study tonight, I will see you at dinner." And gives Brianna a kiss. "Okay, I'll head to the library." And they walk in two different directions. Once she got into the library she went into the Devildom section to see if she could learn about the history, and also information about other things as well. Brianna walked through and looked over all the books provided. They were in a different language that she didn't know and that ability that made her understand didn't happen. Brianna walked down and aisle towards 7 books placed in a row. "That's weird, why are these away from everyone. I wonder what they say." She walked closer and noticed how each had some type of name on them. She walked closer to them and a strange ora pushed her away from them. "Is that some type of barrier?" She thought to herself. "That's strange, why would their be 7 books placed like this. Wait, they are different colors too." One by one she looked at the books and nothing. She couldn't touch them or read the titles. "That's odd, I will just leave it alone. I'll grab a different book instead." And left the Devildom section and walked into the human section. She picked up a book on parenting instead, and read it. "Things you will need when your baby arrives: crib, car seat, stroller, changing table, bottles, diapers, wipes, toys, books, clothes, teething rings, bouncer, high chair, burp clothes, night gowns, bassinet, shoes, socks, laundry basket. And if you are having multiples, take all that and multiply that by the number is babies having." Brianna was shocked. "Oh gosh, this is too much. How will I get all this stuff for two babies. I can't afford all of this." And she decided to take the book with her and went to the bedroom.

"Brianna, dinner is served. Brianna?" #3 said as he knocked on the bedroom door. Inside Brianna was asleep. Once little d walked into the room, he immediately turned around and left. Diavolo was waiting for her in the dining hall. "#3, have you seen Brianna?" #3 nodded. "Yes, she's asleep. I checked on her in the bedroom." Diavolo got up from the table to get her. Once he entered the room he saw that she was indeed asleep, but also holding on to a parenting book too. "Brianna? Are you coming to eat?" He rubbed on her back, and she woke up, wiping her face. "Hey, sweetheart sorry to wake you, you coming to eat? You seem a little down. What's wrong?" Brianna hugged him and told him. "I was reading this book about all the things the babies will need and it's so much stuff. And I just laid down because it said when you have multiples babies it's even more. I never guessed on what having children included. That's all." Diavolo just watched her and moved he hair from her face and kissed her lips. "It will be fine we can get this stuff together. I am here with you. Come one let's eat." And took Brianna hand a dragged her along with him.

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