And so it happened...

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"What!?" She looked at him stunned by his confession. "I really loved her, so much so I thought about one day getting married, us having children, then she left me.  Almost 2 weeks later her body was discovered. And a little part of me died.  I couldn't believe it.  She loved the human world, and everyone there, who could have done this I thought." Diavolo explained. "My father just left me with everything by then so I was in charge.  So several demons attacked the humans.  They tortured, harmed, and killed many, causing the Celestial guards to step in.  Actions were taken very seriously, we limited contact to the human world by closing a majority of our portals, not making it easy to jump between worlds." As she listened to the story somethings didn't add up. "Then why are you setting up an exchange program?" Diavolo sighed. "Because it was lie. It was a demon, her family along with the aid of a witch or two that killed her. I didn't find out until after the fact. With the help of a few sorcerers we were able to revive those lost during the slaughter but it still caused our portals to close. But that was just one factor, many demons were causing trouble, so that didn't help, and not to mention witches being able to come down here and cause conflict too, which probably explains why many humans don't know about Devildom, and it's better to slowly introduce it to people again.  So now we set up a system for people to gain access to the human world.  They will need to write a formal request, and vise versa, so that won't happen again."

"Brianna, I want to apologize again for hurting you.  I know you've heard me say it before but I need you to know I will never do it again."  Brianna nodded and hugged him.  "Okay, Diavolo.  You sure you don't want to go to work? I will be fine here." Brianna walked from the bathroom, and started to get dressed. Diavolo walked up behind her. "No, right now, my focus is on you, I will take you shopping, we're headed to Majolish.  They have the latest fashion that crosses our style and what trending in the human world.  Asmodeus would help you more, than I can."  She looked at him completely puzzled.  "Who's Asmodeus?"  Diavolo stopped getting dressed.  "I didn't tell you, Lucifer's brother.  Well one of his 6 brothers."  She gave him another blank look.  "Sweetie, who is Lucifer?"  Diavolo looked at her stunned.  "What he's my right hand man, you know Luci- OH MY GOSH, I never introduced you to him. That's right, you asked who he was that interrupted us on the balcony and I completely ignored him, I was just happy to be with you again.  I should introduce you to everyone."  Diavolo finished getting dressed and encouraged her to finish as well.  "Come on, I want to go see everyone."  Brianna started smiling as he look like an excited puppy. "Okay!  Let me finish."  As she buttoned up her pants, it felt a little tight.  "Does my butt look bigger?  These are just a smidge small."  Diavolo walked up behind her, wrapped his arms around her and smiled.  "You look beautiful, maybe we go shopping first, introductions later."  A blank stare came across her face.  "Don't try to change the subject?"  He put his hands on her butt. "Okay, you're butt looks beautiful, just like how I like it."

   After Brianna threw on a dress instead, she was ready to leave.  "Wait, I gotta go pee."  Diavolo groans. "Ugh!"  And Diavolo waited by the door for his lady.  Brianna washed her hands and walked out the bathroom.  "All set?"  He asked. "Yep, let's go."  While making their way to the shopping district, they were greeted by some demons who wearing uniforms.  "Where are they headed off too?"  Brianna asked, looking at the adorable uniforms most demons were wearing. "These are students who attend RAD. I will have to bring you one day, and you can see me work as the President of the Student Council and a Headmaster too."  He was cheesing from ear to ear about his school, and Devildom, that she realized she really like it here too.  "Okay, we are here.  Welcome to downtown Devildom or as what many call it, the shopping district.  As you can see it's kinda like a typical city, we have stores for everything.  Restaurants, a library too, anything we got it."  She reached over hand grabbed his hand.  "Wow, this is absolutely wonderful."  Diavolo lifted her hand to his lips.  "I love you Brianna!"  Brianna kissed the back of his hand.  "I love you too, Diavolo."  They walked into Majolish and she saw so many different styles.  "I wouldn't know where to start.  I dress like a teacher sometimes by accident."  As Brianna comb through the racks, Diavolo pull out a couple of dresses.  "What about these?  I know you like to wear dresses.  I'm learning."  Brianna smiled.  "I can sense a theme, I take it you like the color red?"  Diavolo got all bashful.  "Guilty!"  She made her way to the dressing room, and someone walked up behind him.  "Hello, Lord Diavolo?"  He turns around. "Well just the demon I was looking for, I will need you sense of style Asmodeus?  Would you help me?"

   As Brianna tried on the dress, the first on was not good at all.  The second one was just okay but way too long for her.  She tried on the third one and it was not cute at all.  By the time she tried on the last one, she was tired.  "Diavolo, these are okay but I'm not a fan of any of these, so is there anything else I can try on, oh hello?"  Brianna said as she walked from the dressing room towards him. The person Diavolo was talking to got a huge smile on his face.  "Brianna, this is Asmodeus, Avatar of Lust, and Asmodeus, let me introduce you to my girlfriend, Brianna."  Asmodeus extended his hand. "It is a pleasure to meet you Brianna.  Oh no, did Diavolo pick these dresses."  Brianna shook his hand.  "Yes, she's need some clothes while she's here.  And I thought of you, Asmodeus."  Asmodeus' face lit up.  "Oh Lord Diavolo, not in front of your girlfriend.  You're making her jealous."  Brianna smiled as he gave her a smirk.  "Come, come Brianna, we have to get you something wonderful to wear."  She followed behind him with Diavolo in tow.  They looked at other styles, something with ripped jeans outfits, oversized shirts with short shorts.  "What do you think of this Diavolo?"  He looked at her, with her legs all out, crossed his arms and with a stern look. "No!"

After an hour of shopping they got shopping bags after shopping bags of clothing. Diavolo summoned a little d, to take them to the castle. "Where to next?" Brianna asked. "We can get something to eat? Or we can go to more stores. This day is about you." She smiled. "What about you? Would you like something?" She asked Diavolo. "No, I have everything I need." And kissed her on the cheek. "Aww so sweet you too. Lord Diavolo I didn't know you were so romantic." Brianna and Diavolo forgot Asmodeus was still with them. "Did you get anything for you..." Brianna's eyes widened.  "Yep!" And he had even more bags then she did. "I had fun! I'm going home to do a fashion show for everyone, I will see you later Lord Diavolo, and it was wonderful meeting you Brianna!" She nodded with a smile. "Thanks you again Asmodeus and it was a pleasure meeting you too." He walked towards the door, but stopped to pick up his phone. "Yes, I'm leaving Majolish now!" And walked out the door.

  As they go to leave as well and were stopped by two people in lovely white clothing. "Hello Lord Diavolo, it's a wonderful day, wouldn't you say?" Said the taller darker skinned person. "Yes it is Simeon, what can I do you for gentlemen?" The person named Simeon continued. "We heard that you had a guest at the castle, we haven't been introduced yet." He looks at Brianna. "Hello, my name is Simeon and I am an angel from the Celestial Realm." The smaller one walked towards Brianna. "Hi! My name is Luke and I'm a junior angel, I like to bake treats for Michael." The white haired guy walked towards her as well. "Hello, my name is Solomon and I am human like yourself and the other exchange student." They looked to her and she introduced myself. "It's a pleasure to meet you all, my name is Brianna, and I am here as a guest to Lord Diavolo, my boyfriend." Their eyes widened with the news, and took a step back. "Well that's wonderful! I see you two are out shopping around, we got a message from Asmodeus that you were out with a human, and we came to see for ourselves. We will let you continue on with your day." Said Simeon. "Diavolo, I need to have a word with you." Brianna looked at Diavolo who had a smile on his face, gave her a kiss on the cheek, and walked towards him. "Come Brianna, we were headed to Hell's Kitchen, they serve both Devildom and human world food there." Said Luke as he took her hand and started walking away. She looked back at Diavolo who just smiled and waved to her.

"I take it Michael was notified?" Said Diavolo. "We sensed something strange the other day, care to explain." Said Simeon. "Brianna was in the library and the plaque near the Devildom library wing became legible for her to read. That's what she told me and I guess Barbatos." Solomon's eyes widened. "How? Isn't it in Devgalic? That doesn't sound right." Solomon said as he placed his hand on his chin. "Also she said she had a vision of being someone else. She said she saw someone in the mirror looking back at her." Simeon eyes widened. "Who did she see?" Simeon asked. "D'narah."  Solomon was shocked.  "D'narah? The demon who was killed in the human world almost 200 years ago?" Asked Simeon. "I don't know why she saw her/talked to her. But I told here to stay here for a little longer until we figure it out."  Simeon was curious, and thought about it.  "Michael and Raphael have a idea as to who could be behind this, and it's not good. Diavolo, do you remember two angels by the name of Haven and Seneca?"

Diavolo thought for a second. "I'm not sure, that name does sound familiar, am I suppose to?" Diavolo answered. "Hehe. Well I guess not but they were two angels labeled as Misfits who did what ever they wanted, well one did.  They too fell from the Celestial Realm during the war with the brothers, and Haven was in love with Seneca, but Seneca was in love with someone else, that someone was you, Lord Diavolo."

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