Poetic Justice ₪ XXV

Start from the beginning

He laughed. "Alright , I'll take you where ever you want."

I smiled pointing my finger up at him "It's not a date!"

He smirked. "Don't worry, I won't make you fall for me yet."

I laughed. "Why do I have to fall for you, why can't you fall for me?"

'Doesn't work that way, besides I tend to have that effect on women." He smirked.

"Well your charms ain't working on this one," I laughed.

He smiled, "What time do you want me to pick you up tonight?"

"Around, 8 maybe. Here's my street you can find me on, I don't need you riding by my family house. I don't care where you take me just as long as it serves alcohol." I laughed texting him a different street than my own.

"I need to get back to work, I'll see you then."

I sighed. "Alright, see you."

I would be going out with Chyna instead but she just happen to leave the damn country with Michael and King to Italy, I'm going through this shit without any girl friends to vent to. I can't say too much to Ryan cause I don't want him to get annoyed or bored of me. I gave a Mijo a kiss on the cheek as I left him home with my parents. Ryan  picked me up like I asked on the other street. I didn't think it was appropriate for him to come in and wait, there is no need for my parents to meet him and I don't want Mijo to see me with him like this. For all I know he could be a stalker, passing by my real house different times of the night.

"Damn, you look beautiful." He smiled as we drove off.

"Thanks!" I smiled, "Where we heading to?"

"I would love to take you dancing, maybe hear a little spoken word but we're going to a club ."

"It doesn't matter where we go, just as long as I have alcohol flowing in my system. And I'm not trying to make myself sound like a drunk but you just don't understand, I haven't had a drink in a minute." I smiled.

He laughed, "It's all good, do you. I ain't judging, you in good hands tonight!"

Ryan was pulling up to this club Chris and I used to go together. "NO, don't go there please take me anywhere but there." I shouted.

"Why, what's the matter with that club?"

"It's too packed, I hate that place just take me anywhere but there."

"Don't want to run the risk of bumping into him, huh?" He smirked looking over at him.

I smiled slightly as I looked out the window. "Something like that, you must think I'm crazy."

"Nah, I understand completely."

Ryan and I ended up going to this lowkey place downtown, it was really nice it was my type of setting it was very artsy. Long as it had a bar I was happy, Ryan and I sat at this table downing drinks while he paid for all my alcoholic Pina Colada and Long Island Ice Teas and his drinks too!

"You wanna dance?" He asked as Jodeci's Feenin' came on.

I was feeling really nice by then, but I was still aware of my actions. "Sure." I smiled as he grabbed me by my hand to rise me out my seat.

Ryan wrapped his hands around my lower back to the point where his hands were practically sitting on my ass, I wrapped my arms around his neck as we looked into each other's eyes. I rested my head on his shoulder inhaling his cologne, it sent chills down my spine. He gripped tighter around me as I lifted my head up to look at him again, I smiled as he smiled at me. I could feel he was about to kiss me. I feel bad that I wanted to kiss him back but I couldn't let it happen, right as his head started to lean towards mine I rested my head back on his shoulder. I feel bad that I had to swerve on that ass, I would have kissed him but I can't in public with everyone in my business and especially with the way I'm feeling right now it's just not the right time. Time to go.

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