Chapter 55-Sophie/Keefe

Start from the beginning

"Yes, you do, if you didn't then—"

He cut her off. "Fine, Foster, you want to know why? It's because I can't say no to you!" Keefe threw his hands up in the air, taking a step closer to her. "You tell me to come back, and I can't say no to you!"

She choked back a sob. "Why can't you say no to me?"

He didn't answer. He just stared at her, the intensity in his eyes making chills rush down her back.


"Because I'm in love with you!"

***Keefe POV***

That wasn't how it was supposed to come out.

He'd always figured the confession would be simple—he'd show her his sketchbooks, tell her, and prepare for the rejection.

Okay, a couple of times, he'd thought about it being on his deathbed, lovingly stroking her cheek, and barely whispering, "I love you, Foster."

And that scenario usually ended in death, but at least then he wouldn't have to face the embarrassment and pain and just straight up humiliation of being rejected.

He hadn't wanted to blurt it out.

And definitely not after saying something so stupidly rude, mean—he could list a million words and all the ways he regretted saying that stupid thing.

Both the stupid things.

He'd just told the girl he'd liked since he was fourteen that he had feelings for her.

That he was in love with her.

Directly after yelling at her, like the jerk he was.

He couldn't look at her.

There was no way he was looking at her.

He didn't want to see that flash of hurt again—not to mention that he did not need extra humiliation.

But somehow, he found himself glancing up.

Sophie was completely speechless. He didn't blame her. How would anyone react if one of their friends, one of the people they regarded as their brother, told them they liked them in a non-platonic way?

"You what?"

Keefe shrugged, trying to act casual, even though his hands were freezing and his face was burning and his mind was screaming. "Yeah. I like you."

Her eyes narrowed. "That's not what you just said."

"You really want me to repeat that? Make it worse for us?"

"Who said it'd be worse?"

And now Keefe was speechless.

Sophie glanced at the ground for a moment, as if gathering her courage, and grabbed his wrist. "Say what you said. The first time."

He arched an eyebrow. He'd been prepared for her to brush it away, with an embarrassed smile, and a "Sorry, I don't feel the same way."

He had no idea what she was trying to accomplish.

"Foster—" he tried.

She cut him off. "Please."

Keefe stared down at her. He sighed. "I love you. But—"

"Stop," Sophie interrupted, eyebrows furrowed. "Say it again."

"Why do you want this?" Keefe said, "just tell me now and get it over with—I'm done getting hurt."

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