Chapter 21-Sophie

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Sophie clapped her hands. "Okay, so teams. Uh, first team: Marella, Dex, Lihn, and Maruca."

Dex raised his hand. "Can we make really cool names, like Team Dex-is-the-best?"

Marella snorted. "Personally, I vote for Team-Marella-is-Awesome. Or Team-Dex-Sucks."

Dex pouted.

She smirked.

"Sure, name your teams, it doesn't matter that much anyways," Sophie continued, "Second team is Fitz, Keefe and Stina."

"See, I don't think that will give us a good team name," Keefe said. "I mean come on, Keefitzina? That sucks." He mouthed to Fitz. "It's the last syllable,"

Fitz snorted, then they both looked at Stina.

"What?" She snapped. "I didn't ask to be put with you two."

Sophie rolled her eyes. Forkle was insane to put those three together. "Third team, me, Biana, Wylie, and Tam."

"Where are we going?" Wylie asked.

Sophie nodded. "Yeah, I was coming to that. Team One, you guys are going to Atlantis. Make sure the Neverseen hideout is closed up completely. Fortify Atlantis; the force field needs to be at full strength. Maruca, can you handle it?"

She nodded.

"If you guys need to help, Forkle and the Collective will be on call."

"Okay, Team Two. Sanctuary, Everglen and Havenfield. Fortify, check for monitors, trackers, anything suspicious. If it's too much ground to cover, get help from the my parents or the Vacker's."

They nodded, while Stina glared at Sophie.

Sophie ignored her.

"'Aight. We're going to Foxfire." Sophie exhaled. "Uh, Sandor, you wanted to say something?"

He stepped forward. "Fighting lessons, every night, everyone is coming. All different techniques, which includes ogre, goblin, and elvish fighting."

"There's elvish fighting?" Dex asked.

"Yeah," Stina said, "I'm not surprised you didn't know."

Dex opened his mouth for an answer, but Sophie stopped him before it could escalate.

They needed to establish something.

"Guys... we're preparing for war. War. This could be our last chance to make things right. Forget your rivalries, your bad blood, your grudges against each other. We all need to trust each other. Because if we don't..." Sophie let her gaze travel around the group. "We don't stand a chance."

Everyone's faces were grim.

"Okay." It was Tam who spoke. "We're ready."

Everyone else nodded in agreement, though Dex and Stina still looked irritated at the other.

The groups split up, Keefe taking one last glance at her before joining Fitz and Stina.


"Where do we start?" Wylie asked.

Tam turned in a full circle. "We could split up. Two and two."

"Better not," Sophie decided, "at least not yet. Four sets of eyes are better than two."

Biana blinked in and out as she walked forward. "How about Magnate Leto's office first?"

Sophie nodded. "Might as well. Then once we finish that we can check the rest of the campus. Probably split up after that."

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