Chapter 37-Sophie

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"That was weird, right?" Keefe whispered to her as they exited the building.

"Weird isn't the word."

Dex shrugged. "It's Tinker. She's always weird."

Not that much, Sophie thought. She had to have known who Ellia was.

Sophie turned to Sandor. "Keefe and I need to go to the library."

"We do?" Keefe asked right as Dex asked, "You do?"

"We're going to look through the books for any mention of Arcadia," Sophie told him.

"Studying?" Keefe groaned. "We've been working all day, Foster."

"Sucks to be you," Dex muttered.

Sophie grabbed Keefe's arm and held the crystal up to the light. "It does," she informed them.


"We're looking for books with geographical information," Sophie said, dragging Keefe towards a tall bookcase.

"Then you're going the wrong way, Foster." He motioned for Sophie to follow him, stopping at the first row.

"Okay, you go that way."

Keefe groaned, "Can we eat first?"

"Nope. Flori is going to pick us up some food, but we might as well work while we wait."

"You're a workhorse, Foster," he called, already walking away.

"Only for the important stuff," she muttered.

Sophie ran her fingers over the shelf, picking up dust in a few spots. That'd be promising. She figured that if there weren't any records on Forkle's watchward, then it had to be really old.

Plus, the books used constantly were the more recent, updated books.

She gathered a pile of books, then tottered over to their table, dumping them on the surface, then walking back to get more.

When she went to deliver the rest of the books, her first pile was gone.

"What in the world?" She muttered.

"Looking for these?" A voice murmured in her ear.

Sophie whipped around, nearly hitting heads with Keefe, who didn't move. He smirked down at her when she backed up one step, flicking a finger as her stack of books came into view. They floated around her head, then back to Keefe.

He winked at her speechlessness. "I know. My telekinesis is pretty great, huh? Oh, and, are you finished? I'm done."

Sophie felt a flush spread across her face as she realized that she could've been done already if she'd been using her own telekinesis.

"Aaand there's the adorable Foster flush we know and love." Keefe jogged his elbow into her ribs, none too gently, nearly making her drop her newest stack of books.

"Shut up," Sophie muttered.

They strolled back to the table, which was piled with Keefe's books and Sophie's two stacks.

"We're gonna be here all night," Keefe studied the piles. "And you didn't even bring snacks."

Flori popped put from behind the piles. "I brought food."

Keefe jumped, making Sophie laugh.

He mock glared at her. "Your bodyguards are too sneaky."

Sophie ignored him, sauntering over to where Flori had set out bowls of the stew. As always, the scent of the Starkflower stew made her mouth water and her eyes prickle. From Keefe's silence, she could tell that he was also thinking about Calla.

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